Purple means French Green means how to pronounce the sentence Black means what the sentence means in English
Cest dommage is only used if they other person says Pas tres bien.) Bonjour __________! Comment vas tu? Boujour ___________! Comma va tu? Hello _________! How are you? (Pas) tres bien. Merci. Et toi? (Pa) tray bien. Mercy A twa? (Not) well. Thank you. And you? (Pas) tres bien. (Cest dommage) (Pa) tray bien. (Say do mage) (Not) well. (Thats too bad) (Cest dommage is only used if they other person says Pas tres bien.) Bonne soir____. = Bon swa_____. = Good evening_____.
Comment-vous appellez vous? Commo vouz appellay vou? What is your name? Jem appellee __________ Gem appellay_______ My name is________
Au revior, mon ami O revwa, mon ami Good bye, my friend OR Au revoir, Madame_______. O revwa, Madam________. Goodbye, Professor/Madame ________.
One= Un= Ah Two= Deux= Du Three= Trois= Twa Four= Quatre= Catrah Five= Cinq= Sahnk Six= Six= Sees Seven= Sept= Set Eight= Huit= Wheat Nine= Neuf= Nuhf Ten= Dix= Deese
Sunday= Dimanche= Deemonch Monday= Lundi= Lunday Tuesday= Mardi= Mardy Wednesday= Mercredi= Judi Thursday= Juedi= Sahnk Friday= Vendredi= Vendredi Saturday= Samendi= Samde
Sunday= Dimanche= Deemonch Monday= Lundi= Lunday Tuesday= Mardi= Mardy Wednesday= Mercredi= Mercredi Thursday= Juedi= Judi Friday= Vendredi= Vendredi Saturday= Samendi= Samde Today is_________ Aujourdhui cest________ Oh-jerhd we say________ Comment-vous appellez-vous? What is your name?
Red= Roog= Rouge Orange= Orhange= Orange Yellow= John= Juane Green= Verrt= Vert Blue= Blue = Bleu Purple= Viola-ette= Violet Black= Nerg= Negre White= Blonc = Blanche Pink= Rose= Rose Mon couleur favorit est
Quel est ton couleur favori? = Kelle ay to cool-er fah-vor- ie? = What is your favorite color? Mes coulers favoris sont___ et _____. = Mays cool-ers fah- vor-ies soo ____ay _____. = My favorite colors are ____ and _____. Mon couleur favorit est____. = Mo cool-er fah- vor- ie ay ______. = My favorite color is______.
Lesson 10 Personal Pronouns I = Je = juh (soft j) You = Tu (two) He = Il (eel) She = Elle (ell) It/One = On (ohn) We = Nous (noos) You* = Vous (voos) They (female) = Elles (ells) They (male or mixed) = Ils (eels) *This is used for adults, older people, or when talking to a group of people
Body Parts FrenchEnglishPronunciation Les cheveuxhairlay shev-ew La tête headla tette Les yeux eyeslay yous Le neznoseluh nezz La bouchemouthla boosh La dent/Les dentstooth/teethla dahn/Lay dahnts Une oreille earoon or-aye Le bras armluh brah La mainhandla man Le doigtfingerluh dwat La jambelegla jamb Le piedfootluh py-ed
Commands Leve ton pied (Lehv tohn py-ed): Lift your foot Touche ton nez (Toosh tohn nezz): Touch your nose Tape ta tête (Tap tah tette): Tap your head Saute (sawt) : Jump Pointe sur tes yeux(pwant sir tay yous): Point to your eyes