Fig. 5. A 67-year old female patient with bilateral buttock pain who underwent L4-5-S1 fusion 12 years ago. Sagittal imbalance was found in a whole spine standing lateral radiograph (C7-S1 SVA = 13cm, PT = 28°) (A). Segmental instability was found in a flexion lateral radiograph (B). Spinal stenosis at L3-4 level was confirmed in sagittal images of MRI (C). Sagittal imbalance and painful symptom continued following PLIF at L3-4 level (C7-S1 SVA = 12cm, PT = 26°) (D) Fig. 5. A 67-year old female patient with bilateral buttock pain who underwent L4-5-S1 fusion 12 years ago. Sagittal imbalance was found in a whole spine standing lateral radiograph (C7-S1 SVA = 13cm, PT = 28°) (A). Segmental instability was found in a flexion lateral radiograph (B). Spinal stenosis at L3-4 level was confirmed in sagittal images of MRI (C). Sagittal… J Korean Soc Spine Surg. 2016 Dec;23(4):239-245.