H-SS 11.6.2 - Understand the steps taken by the Federal Reserve, Congress, and President Roosevelt to combat the economic crisis. H-SS 11.6.5 -Trace the advances and retreats of organized labor.. H-SS 11.6 - Analyze how the New Deal fundamentally changed the role of the federal government. 11.8.5 - Describe the increased powers of the presidency in response to the Great Depression.
New Deal Project Part I The Second New Deal 4-Square Writing Pictionary = 75pts Part II Effects of the New Deal 8-Square Pictionary = 40pts Project/Participation 115pts
Drawing/Symbols To show understanding of topic(s) Drawing/Symbols 1. 10. Name Extending Social and Economic Reform pg 292 Drawing/Symbols To show understanding of topic(s) 10 notes-sentences Front 2-3 sentence summary Drawing/Symbols To show understanding of topic(s) Labor Unions Find a New Energy pg 296 10 notes-sentences 2-3 sentence summary
Drawing/Symbols To show understanding of topic(s) 1. 10. Challenges to the New Deal pg 297 Drawing/Symbols To show understanding of topic(s) Back 10 notes-sentences 2-3 sentence summary Blank Blank
Writing Pictionary Rubric: 10 pts for 10 Notes-Sentences 5 pts for 2-3 Sentence Summary 5 pts for Drawing/Symbol 5 pts for color 25 pts per Blue Heading X 3 = 75 pts
Pictionary Term/Heading 5 notes/facts from reading 1-2 Sentence Summary Drawing/ Symbol to show Understanding Term/Heading 5 notes/facts from reading 1-2 Sentence Summary Drawing/ Symbol to show Understanding
African Americans Make Advances pg 301 New Deal Affects Native Americans pg 303 New Deal Creates a New Political Coalition pg 303 Role of Government Expands pg 304 Playing a Larger Role in Economy pg 304 Creating a Welfare State pg 307 Restoring the Environment pg 308 Changing the Nature of the Presidency pg 308
Pictionary Rubric 1pt for Term/Heading 1pts for 5 Notes/Facts 1pt for 1-2 Sentence Summary 1pt for color 1pt for drawing 5pts X 8 = 40pts