Investment potentials Loznica 2016.
City identity card Location Western Serbia Population 84 925– Census 2011. Territory 612Km²; 59.3% arable land, 27% forests, 13.7% roads and other Address 15300 Loznica, St. Karađorđeva 2 Telephone Tel. +381 15 879 206 Fax. +381 15 882 921 E-mail Web-site
Geographical position Distance of Loznica to major cities Belgrade 139 km Vienna 639 km Milano 1170 km Munich 1190 km Sofia 519 km Paris 1910km
Distance to nearest border crossings Border crossing: Šepak, toward B&H 3 km Border crossing: Karakaj, toward B&H 19 km Traffic connections Highway (Corridor X) Direct access Belgrade Zagreb (section of Corridor X) distance - 80 km Highway roads M - 19 and M - 4 Railway roads Direct access to line Belgrade - Ruma - Loznica The Danube river (Corridor VII) Distance to the Sava port in Šabac 55 km, distance to the Danube port in Belgrade 139 km Airport Distance to the international airport Nikola Tesla in Belgrade - 110 km
Human resources Number of the unemployed Number of the employed Total number of the unemployed: 12 038 (Septembar 2015.) Unemployment rate 37 % 14 202 - 2015. Average gross salary 260€ / monthly in Loznica 360€ /monthly in Serbia
Local economy Number of enterprises 3.438 (business companies -839 and entrepreneurs-2599, i.e. legal and physical entities performing some activities within the municipal territory) Size of enterprises 96,52 % small-scale, 3,02% middle-scale, 0,46% large-scale Dominant economy fields textile industry, construction engineering, food processing industry, paper and packaging material processing, wood processing industry, metallurgy and metal processing, hotels/restaurants management and tourism Major local companies Rio Tinto (metal mining company); Golden Lady-Valy (textile industry); DIV Chabros (wood processing); MN (construction engineering); Nelly (food processing industry) ;
Facilities built on the location Investment possibilities Location area Industrial zone Šepak At the border crossing with Bosnia and Herzegovina; 1500 m distance from the town centre; Between two highway roads M - 4 and M – 19 Total area of the zone is 82.ha, 30ha are fully infrastructure equipped Purpose of the land City construction land Plot division Plot division was made; Plots ranging from 00.15.20 ha to 3.37.66 ha are offered (explanation: ha, ar, m²); Plot division can be made at the investor’s request. Facilities built on the location Golden Lady-Valy – textile industry Ownership structure The City of Loznica
Compensation for development of the city construction land Infrastructure Water supply network, sewerage network , gas network, electricity system , access road and telecommunications are already available. Land prices € 7.2 / m²- market price Important: In accordance with low the investment of national importance can get land for free with the consent of the Government of RS. Compensation for development of the city construction land Producers don't pay compensation for development of the city construction land .
Subsidies of the state institutions Republic agency for development More details at: And National Employment Agency: Grants are allocated for the newly opened jobs, based on defined criteria. More details at:
The city of Loznica is one of the first three certified local communities in Serbia with business friendly environment.
The City of Loznica has: Vision and strategic action plan for its realization Favourable geographic – traffic position Efficient administration Industrial zone and other localities for investments Organized service for support to investors Private public partnership Incentives for investors Good communication with Republic institutions Intensive cooperation with donors Cooperation with high number of European states Positive city image Vast offer of labour force Natural resources Rich cultural heritage
All above-mentioned facts confirm that the city of Loznica is desirable destination, a town of vast potentials and open possibilities
Let’s share the future! Local development office +381 15 879 206