SEE Jobs Gateway Database wiiw The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies SEE Jobs Gateway Database Monika Schwarzhappel, wiiw
SEE Jobs Gateway Database Content Construction of the Database Comparability over time and countries
SEE Jobs Gateway Database - Content Main macro-indicators: GDP, CPI Labor market Labor market – sub-national Working age-population, th. gender, age and education Labor force, th. Activity rate Employment, th. Employment rate Unemployment, th. Unemployment rate Inactive population, th. Inactivity rate Informal employment, th. Informal employment share gender and age Long-term unemployment (LTU), th. LTU share, LTU rate Working age-population, th. gender Labor force, th. Activity rate Employment, th. Employment rate Unemployment, th. Unemployment rate Inactive population, th. Inactivity rate
SEE Jobs Gateway Database - Construction Quarterly data in 1000 persons provided by the Statistical Offices (Eurostat for EU peer ctr.) Rates and shares on a quarterly basis calculated Annual data in 1000 persons calculated as the average of available observations on a quarterly basis Partly estimates Rates and shares on an annual basis calculated
SEE Jobs Gateway Database - Comparability Availability of LFS surveys census 2011 , ISCED 1997/2011 , methodology Breaks:
SEE Jobs Gateway Database - Comparability Sub-national level – NUTS-2 vs national breakdown Provided by CSO In database AL 12 reg.NUTS-3 Converted to NUTS-2 BA 3 national levels XK ____ MK 8 reg.NUTS-3, no NUTS-2!! NUTS-3 ME RS 4 reg.NUTS-2 NUTS-2 AT 9 reg.NUTS-2 BG 6 reg.NUTS-2 (A only) NUTS-2 (A only) HR 2 reg.NUTS-2 (A only) HU 7 reg.NUTS-2 (A only)
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