Orienteering Year 2- Lesson 1 Learning Objectives: L.O 1 – Can children list the different points on a compass L.O 2 – Can children show knowledge of what a ‘key’ is on a map! Challenge 1 – Can children respond to simple instructions with guidance (I.e – Stand at ‘North’) Challenge 2 – Can children list the four directions of the compass? Challenge 3 – Can children describe what a ‘key’ is on a map Numeracy in P.E! - Literacy in P.E! - Inspiration in P.E! - SoW Milestone Focus: 4 (Repeat and Perform sequences of movements), 6 (Uses FUNdamentals of movement to achieve success in competitive environments, individually and as a team), 8 (With guidance participate displaying respect, fair play and working well with others) Orienteering was invented in Sweden, it was designed to get people in the army ready for war! 1.Warm-up – In the space you are using label set area’s as North, South, East & West. Ask the children to start in the middle – ‘no man’s land’. Call out a point of the compass and ask all of the children to stand in that zone. STRETCH! Then repeat. If you have a class of Einstein’s then you perhaps make and extra 4 zones (North West, North East etc) 2. The Key Game! – The aim of this activity is to help the children to understand that they should always look at the symbols inside the key. Split your class into 4 groups, with a pile of equipment each behind them (You will need a hoop, cones, bean bags and coits). The group must try and create the same picture as the one on their ‘face map’ (see the end of this document for the face maps). To do well they must study the map and see how the face should look referring to the symbols in the key, one child from the group can move forwards at a time and add to the face. Explain to the children they should keep the map with them at all times! PROGRESSION – If the children show a clear progression, make it competitive! The most accurate face gets the team 50 points, 2nd most gets 25 points. 3. Indoor Course 1: The intro - For this activity you will need to split the class into small groups (2/3’s – depending on how much space you have). Lay out cones in rows (as per Indoor Course 1 also at the end of this document). Triangles mark where the children must start and two small circles mark where the must finish. Add extra cones to challenge your M/A, if needed reduce the amount of cones for the L/A
Orienteering Year 2- Lesson 1 Teaching Points – The Key The children need to be able to refer to the key to help them find where they are on the map! This is the small box in the corner of the map containing symbols! Teaching Points – Start & Finish In Orienteering a triangle marks where the children should start. Two circles (one inside the other) marks where the children should finish! Warm-up (Points of the compass) Ask the children to start in the middle – ‘no man’s land’. Call out a point on the compass and ask all of the children to stand in that zone. N NW N NE W E W E SW SE S S The Key Game The group must try and create the same picture as the one on their ‘face map’ (see the end of this document for the face maps). One child from the group can move forwards at a time and add to the face. Explain to the children they should keep the map with them at all times! Indoor Course 1 Lay out cones in rows (as per Indoor Course 1 also at the end of this document). Triangles mark where the children must start and two small circles mark where the must finish. Add extra cones to challenge your M/A, if needed reduce the amount of cones for the L/A
Orienteering Year 2- Lesson 2 Learning Objectives: L.O 1 – Can children list the different points on a compass L.O 2 – Can children show knowledge of what a ‘key’ is on a map! Challenge 1 – Can children list the four directions of the compass? Challenge 2– Can children describe what a ‘key’ is on a map Challenge 3 – Can children read a map and place their thumb in the correct place with guidance Numeracy in P.E! - Literacy in P.E! - Inspiration in P.E! - SoW Milestone Focus: 4 (Repeat and Perform sequences of movements), 6 (Uses FUNdamentals of movement to achieve success in competitive environments, individually and as a team), 8 (With guidance participate displaying respect, fair play and working well with others) 1.Warm-up – In the space you are using label set area’s as North, South, East & West. Ask the children to start in the middle – ‘no man’s land’. Call out a point of the compass and ask all of the children to stand in that zone. STRETCH! Then repeat. If you have a class of Einstein’s then you perhaps make and extra 4 zones (North West, North East etc) 2. The Key Game! – The aim of this activity is to help the children to understand that they should always look at the symbols inside the key. Split your class into 4 groups, with a pile of equipment each behind them (You will need a hoop, cones, bean bags and coits). The group must try and create the same picture as the one on their ‘face map’ (see the end of this document for the face maps). To do well they must study the map and see how the face should look referring to the symbols in the key, one child from the group can move forwards at a time and add to the face. Explain to the children they should keep the map with them at all times! PROGRESSION – If the children show a clear progression, make it competitive! The most accurate face gets the team 50 points, 2nd most gets 25 points. 3. Indoor Course 2 – The Obstacle Course – Set out an obstacle course in your lesson area (see Indoor Course 2 at the end of this document). You will need cones, hurdles, ropes , a hoop and a bench. For this first attempt pair the children so a ‘M/A’ child is working with a ‘L/A’ child, this will help the L/A understand how to complete the task with a view to allowing them to attempt it individually later in the SoW. Ask the children to move around the obstacle course avoiding the hazards, when the leading adult calls out ‘freeze’ – the children must stop and keep their thumb on the map where they think they are! Try and get to the point where they hold the map so it appears the same as they’re facing! - Play the game multiple times to test their addition!
Orienteering Year 2- Lesson 2 Teaching Points – Start & Finish In Orienteering a triangle marks where the children should start. Two circles (one inside the other) marks where the children should finish! Teaching Points – Thumbing the map The children need to learn to ‘thumb the map’. Simply this means to place their thumb on the map where they (and ‘orienteer’ the map so it is facing the same way! Warm-up (Points of the compass) Ask the children to start in the middle – ‘no man’s land’. Call out a point on the compass and ask all of the children to stand in that zone. N NW N NE W E W E SW SE S S The Key Game The group must try and create the same picture as the one on their ‘face map’ (see the end of this document for the face maps). One child from the group can move forwards at a time and add to the face. Explain to the children they should keep the map with them at all times! Indoor Course 2 – The Obstacle Course Set out an obstacle course in your lesson area (see Indoor Course 2 at the end of this document). You will need cones, hurdles, ropes , a hoop and a bench. Ask the children to move around the obstacle course avoiding the hazards, when the leading adult calls out ‘freeze’ – the children must stop and keep their thumb on the map where they think they are!
Orienteering Year 2- Lesson 3 Learning Objectives: L.O 1 – Can children use the key to help them find where they are on a map L.O 2 – Can children move their thumb & map to display where they are, and which way they are facing? Challenge 1– Can children describe what a ‘key’ is on a map & list the points on the compass? Challenge 2 – Can children read a map and place their thumb in the correct place with guidance? Challenge 3 – Can the child move their thumb as they move, turning the map to show which way they are facing consistently. Numeracy in P.E! - Literacy in P.E! - Inspiration in P.E! - SoW Milestone Focus: 4 (Repeat and Perform sequences of movements), 6 (Uses FUNdamentals of movement to achieve success in competitive environments, individually and as a team), 8 (With guidance participate displaying respect, fair play and working well with others) You can be a World Champion in Orienteering! Every year the I.O.F organizes the World Championships! 1.Warm-up – In the space you are using label set area’s as North, South, East & West. Ask the children to start in the middle – ‘no man’s land’. Call out a point of the compass and ask all of the children to stand in that zone. STRETCH! Then repeat. If you have a class of Einstein’s then you perhaps make and extra 4 zones (North West, North East etc) 2. Indoor Course 2 – The Obstacle Course – Set out an obstacle course in your lesson area (see Indoor Course 2 at the end of this document). You will need cones, hurdles, ropes , a hoop and a bench. For this first attempt pair the children so a ‘M/A’ child is working with a ‘L/A’ child, this will help the L/A understand how to complete the task with a view to allowing them to attempt it individually later in the SoW. Ask the children to move around the obstacle course avoiding the hazards, when the leading adult calls out ‘freeze’ – the children must stop and keep their thumb on the map where they think they are! Try and get to the point where they hold the map so it appears the same as they’re facing! 3. Musical Maps! – Set out Indoor Course 3 (see the end of the document). This game will run exactly the same as ‘The Obstacle Course’. The only difference is that it will run the same as Musical statues! Play some music – when the music is playing each pair must move around the obstacle course, keeping their thumb on the map. When the music stops, so must they! Quickly run around to check the children are in the right place before you play the music again!
Orienteering Year 2- Lesson 3 Teaching Points – Start & Finish In Orienteering a triangle marks where the children should start. Two circles (one inside the other) marks where the children should finish! Teaching Points – Thumbing the map The children need to learn to ‘thumb the map’. Simply this means to place their thumb on the map where they (and ‘orienteer’ the map so it is facing the same way! Warm-up (Points of the compass) Ask the children to start in the middle – ‘no man’s land’. Call out a point on the compass and ask all of the children to stand in that zone. N NW N NE W E W E SW SE S S Indoor Course 2 – The Obstacle Course Set out an obstacle course in your lesson area (see Indoor Course 2 at the end of this document). You will need cones, hurdles, ropes , a hoop and a bench. Ask the children to move around the obstacle course avoiding the hazards, when the leading adult calls out ‘freeze’ – the children must stop and keep their thumb on the map where they think they are! Musical Maps Set the obstacle course as per Indoor Course 3. You will need Hurdles, Cones, Hoops and a bench For this first attempt pair the children so a ‘M/A’ child is working with a ‘L/A’ child, this will help the L/A understand how to complete the task with a view to allowing them to attempt it individually later in the SoW.
Orienteering Year 2- Lesson 4 Learning Objectives: L.O 1 – Can children use the key to help them find where they are on a map L.O 2 – Can children move their thumb & map to display where they are, and which way they are facing? Challenge 1– Can children describe what a ‘key’ is on a map & list the points on the compass? Challenge 2 – Can children read a map and place their thumb in the correct place with guidance? Challenge 3 – Can the child move their thumb as they move, turning the map to show which way they are facing consistently. Numeracy in P.E! - Literacy in P.E! - Inspiration in P.E! - SoW Milestone Focus: 4 (Repeat and Perform sequences of movements), 6 (Uses FUNdamentals of movement to achieve success in competitive environments, individually and as a team), 8 (With guidance participate displaying respect, fair play and working well with others) You can be a World Champion in Orienteering! Every year the I.O.F organizes the World Championships! 1.Warm-up – In the space you are using label set area’s as North, South, East & West. Ask the children to start in the middle – ‘no man’s land’. Call out a point of the compass and ask all of the children to stand in that zone. STRETCH! Then repeat. If you have a class of Einstein’s then you perhaps make and extra 4 zones (North West, North East etc) 2. Musical Maps! – Set out Indoor Course 3 (see the end of the document). This game will run exactly the same as ‘The Obstacle Course’. The only difference is that it will run the same as Musical statues! Play some music – when the music is playing each pair must move around the obstacle course, keeping their thumb on the map. When the music stops, so must they! Quickly run around to check the children are in the right place before you play the music again! 3. Using the Compass…. Outside!! – At this stage the children are hopefully ready to start to use the compasses with some guidance. If your School/setting has a map this will make things a lot easier for you. If not it is possible to create one with simple software or as a last resort see our blog on www.powerofpe.co.uk. Split your group into as many groups as you have staff. Use the compasses to show the children how to find north & the symbols in the key to find where they are on your map! Walk around your School/setting and provide plenty of opportunities to practice this skill.
Orienteering Year 2- Lesson 4 Teaching Points – Thumbing the map The children need to learn to ‘thumb the map’. Simply this means to place their thumb on the map where they (and ‘orienteer’ the map so it is facing the same way! Teaching Points – Reading a Compass Most importantly make sure the children hold the compass flat. Ask the children to keep moving until the red needle points to the ‘N’ (North). Then ask the children to rotate their map until North is facing the same as the compass! Warm-up (Points of the compass) Ask the children to start in the middle – ‘no man’s land’. Call out a point on the compass and ask all of the children to stand in that zone. Musical Maps Set the obstacle course as per Indoor Course 3. You will need Hurdles, Cones, Hoops and a bench For this first attempt pair the children so a ‘M/A’ child is working with a ‘L/A’ child, this will help the L/A understand how to complete the task with a view to allowing them to attempt it individually later in the SoW. Using the Compass…. Outside! Split your group into as many groups as you have staff. Use the compasses to show the children how to find north & the symbols in the key to find where they are on your map! Walk around your School/setting and provide plenty of opportunities to practice this skill. It will help if you pre-plan where the children will stand to find where they are on the map. Think about key features that will help them recognise where they are!
Orienteering Year 2- Lesson 5 Learning Objectives: L.O 1 – Can children use the key to help them find where they are on a map L.O 2 – Can children move their thumb & map to display where they are, and which way they are facing? Challenge 1– Can children describe what a ‘key’ is on a map & list the points on the compass? Challenge 2 – Can children read a map and place their thumb in the correct place with guidance? Challenge 3 – Can the child move their thumb as they move, turning the map to show which way they are facing consistently. Numeracy in P.E! - Literacy in P.E! - Inspiration in P.E! - SoW Milestone Focus: 4 (Repeat and Perform sequences of movements), 6 (Uses FUNdamentals of movement to achieve success in competitive environments, individually and as a team), 8 (With guidance participate displaying respect, fair play and working well with others) You can be a World Champion in Orienteering! Every year the I.O.F organizes the World Championships! 1.Warm-up – In the space you are using label set area’s as North, South, East & West. Ask the children to start in the middle – ‘no man’s land’. Call out a point of the compass and ask all of the children to stand in that zone. STRETCH! Then repeat. If you have a class of Einstein’s then you perhaps make and extra 4 zones (North West, North East etc) 2. Using the Compass…. Outside!! – At this stage the children are hopefully ready to start to use the compasses with some guidance. If your School/setting has a map this will make things a lot easier for you. If not it is possible to create one with simple software or as a last resort see our blog on www.powerofpe.co.uk. Split your group into as many groups as you have staff. Use the compasses to show the children how to find north & the symbols in the key to find where they are on your map! Walk around your School/setting and provide plenty of opportunities to practice this skill. 3. The ‘Checkpoint’ game: Before your lesson starts place some coloured bean bags in different parts of your School/setting. Where you have placed a pile of blue bean bags, insert a blue dot onto your map. Where you have placed green bean bags place a green dot etc. These will make up ‘checkpoints’ for the children. Aim for 3-5 checkpoints depending on the ability of your class (At this stage we’d suggest you mix abilities in groups so the L/A can see the positive model provided by the M/A) . Keep the groups the same as the previous activity, give each group an order of colours on paper (I.e – Green, Red, Yellow, Blue). They then must collect a bean bag from each checkpoint in that order! Make sure at each checkpoint the find North and notice key features before setting off to the next checkpoint!
Orienteering Year 2- Lesson 5 Teaching Points – Thumbing the map The children need to learn to ‘thumb the map’. Simply this means to place their thumb on the map where they (and ‘orienteer’ the map so it is facing the same way! Teaching Points – Reading a Compass Most importantly make sure the children hold the compass flat. Ask the children to keep moving until the red needle points to the ‘N’ (North). Then ask the children to rotate their map until North is facing the same as the compass! Warm-up (Points of the compass) Ask the children to start in the middle – ‘no man’s land’. Call out a point on the compass and ask all of the children to stand in that zone. Using the Compass…. Outside! Split your group into as many groups as you have staff. Use the compasses to show the children how to find north & the symbols in the key to find where they are on your map! Walk around your School/setting and provide plenty of opportunities to practice this skill. It will help if you pre-plan where the children will stand to find where they are on the map. Think about key features that will help them recognise where they are! The ‘Checkpoint’ game: Keep the groups the same as the previous activity, give each group an order of colours on paper (I.e – Green, Red, Yellow, Blue). They then must collect a bean bag from each checkpoint in that order! Make sure at each checkpoint the find North and notice key features before setting off to the next checkpoint!
Orienteering Year 2- Lesson 6 Learning Objectives: L.O 1 – Can children use the key to help them find where they are on a map L.O 2 – Can children move their thumb & map to display where they are, and which way they are facing? Challenge 1– Can children describe what a ‘key’ is on a map & list the points on the compass? Challenge 2 – Can children read a map and place their thumb in the correct place with guidance? Challenge 3 – Can the child move their thumb as they move, turning the map to show which way they are facing consistently. Numeracy in P.E! - Literacy in P.E! - Inspiration in P.E! - SoW Milestone Focus: 4 (Repeat and Perform sequences of movements), 6 (Uses FUNdamentals of movement to achieve success in competitive environments, individually and as a team), 8 (With guidance participate displaying respect, fair play and working well with others) You can be a World Champion in Orienteering! Every year the I.O.F organizes the World Championships! 1.Warm-up – In the space you are using label set area’s as North, South, East & West. Ask the children to start in the middle – ‘no man’s land’. Call out a point of the compass and ask all of the children to stand in that zone. STRETCH! Then repeat. If you have a class of Einstein’s then you perhaps make and extra 4 zones (North West, North East etc) 2. Using the Compass…. Outside!! – At this stage the children are hopefully ready to start to use the compasses with some guidance. If your School/setting has a map this will make things a lot easier for you. If not it is possible to create one with simple software or as a last resort see our blog on www.powerofpe.co.uk. Split your group into as many groups as you have staff. Use the compasses to show the children how to find north & the symbols in the key to find where they are on your map! Walk around your School/setting and provide plenty of opportunities to practice this skill. 3. The ‘Checkpoint’ game: Before your lesson starts place some coloured bean bags in different parts of your School/setting (different positions from last week). Where you have placed a pile of blue bean bags, insert a blue dot onto your map. Where you have placed green bean bags place a green dot etc. These will make up ‘checkpoints’ for the children. Aim for 3-5 checkpoints depending on the ability of your class (At this stage we’d suggest you mix abilities in groups so the L/A can see the positive model provided by the M/A) . Keep the groups the same as the previous activity, give each group an order of colours on paper (I.e – Green, Red, Yellow, Blue). They then must collect a bean bag from each checkpoint in that order! Make sure at each checkpoint the find North and notice key features before setting off to the next checkpoint!
Orienteering Year 2- Lesson 6 Teaching Points – Thumbing the map The children need to learn to ‘thumb the map’. Simply this means to place their thumb on the map where they (and ‘orienteer’ the map so it is facing the same way! Teaching Points – Reading a Compass Most importantly make sure the children hold the compass flat. Ask the children to keep moving until the red needle points to the ‘N’ (North). Then ask the children to rotate their map until North is facing the same as the compass! Warm-up (Points of the compass) Ask the children to start in the middle – ‘no man’s land’. Call out a point on the compass and ask all of the children to stand in that zone. Using the Compass…. Outside! Split your group into as many groups as you have staff. Use the compasses to show the children how to find north & the symbols in the key to find where they are on your map! Walk around your School/setting and provide plenty of opportunities to practice this skill. It will help if you pre-plan where the children will stand to find where they are on the map. Think about key features that will help them recognise where they are! The ‘Checkpoint’ game: Keep the groups the same as the previous activity, give each group an order of colours on paper (I.e – Green, Red, Yellow, Blue). They then must collect a bean bag from each checkpoint in that order! Make sure at each checkpoint the find North and notice key features before setting off to the next checkpoint!
Face Map 1 Mr. Bored Key = Bean Bag = Cone = Coit
Face Map 2 Ms. Sad Key = Bean Bag = Cone = Coit
Face Map 3 Mr. Shocked! Key = Bean Bag = Cone = Coit
Face Map 4 Mr. Beard Key = Bean Bag = Cone = Coit
Face Map 5 Mrs. Curly Key = Bean Bag = Cone = Coit
Indoor Course 1 A B
Indoor Course 1 C D
Indoor Course 1 E F
Indoor Course 1 G H
Indoor Course 2
Indoor Course 3