Introduction to geometric figures cube, rectangle, square; 2.2 Do Not Get Angry, Man Objectives Introduction to geometric figures cube, rectangle, square; Knowledge of numbers from 1 to 6; Summation of prime numbers; Count to 45; The participants also learn Probability Theory. Tools, Materials and Organisation Take a game-board and dice. Each player needs 4 pawns Prepare copies from the worksheet for each student. The lesson takes 90 minutes.
Description of the Lesson 2.2 Do Not Get Angry, Man Description of the Lesson First part of the lesson (30 minutes) Up to four players must be chosen. Each player choses the color of his 4 four pawns and places them at the dashboard start field. Determining the sequence of the players. The participants review the rules and the game begin. Players are getting to know the numbers from one to six and also the six sides of the geometric figure cube. While rolling the dice participants learns that the greatest number they can get is 6 and the smallest is 1. Second part of the lesson (60 minutes) Hand out the worksheets to each person one. Follow the instruction on the worksheet. Useful Hints At the end of the lesson the worksheet is completed. If the participants cannot read, the teacher has to guide them. If participants have difficulties to count, you have to train – you need more time or you can split the group.
The Game Proceeds in Four Phases 2.2 Do Not Get Angry, Man The Game Proceeds in Four Phases How many pawns has each player? – 4 How many participants are they? – 4 What is the count of all the pawns? – 4+4+4+4 = 16 Each player rolls the dice; the highest roller begins the game. To enter a pawn into play from its staging area to its starting square, a player must roll a 6. 1st Phase: Starting point 2nd Phase: Moving the pawns The player must always move a figure according to the dice value rolled, and if no move is possible, pass their turn to the next player. The game ends when all pawns of each player are in the final flight. How many fields must pass every player to move his pawn to the final (final flight)? – 65 3rd Phase: Final corridor 4th Phase: Final triangle
Each player rolls the dice; the highest roller begins the game. 2.2 Do Not Get Angry, Man , Each player rolls the dice; the highest roller begins the game. To enter a pawn into play from its staging area to its starting square, a player must roll a 6. What is the probability to get 6 when you roll the dice? Using classical approach: m is 1, as there is only one 6 and n is 6, as we have 6 sides of the dice. If we assume that A is the probability to get 3, Р(А) = Calculate the volume of a cube? - Volume V= а 3 , when a is the length of one of its sides. Calculate the surface area of the cube? – Formula of surface area - S=6. 𝑎 2 , when a is the length of one of its sides
2.2 Do Not Get Angry, Man Then, as some of the participants roll the dice, he must say what the number is showing the dice and move his pawn. The teacher has to check if the student has correctly moved his pawn on the board. The pawns move forward only. The winner is the one who first takes all his pawns into the house.