Let’s agree on some terms: Physical development? Cognitive development? Social development? Emotional development?
FACTORS AFFECTING THE PHYSICAL GROWTH OF A CHILD SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS What physical outcomes occur if someone is wealthy? Poor? HEREDITY What do we usually associate with heredity? NUTRITION What micro/macronutrients do we need as young people? EARLY ONSET PHYSICAL ACTIVITY HORMONAL ACTIVITY HGH IS? Find this online
LECTURE TASK 1 Quickly summarize the “Stages of Human Development” in your notes based on the information online. Be sure to include: ** age in which the phase occurs ** 2-3 common behaviours/actions that are common in this stage
THE LTAD MODEL The Long Term Athlete Development model was first popularized in Australia, and now Canada has adopted it as a way to: Increase activity levels in all age groups Help coaches teach age appropriate skills, strategies Help parents understand when their children should specialize in a sport Help elite athletes achieve success We will look at the model more closely over the next few classes.
PIAGET’S FOUR STAGES OF COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT Cognitive Development – how someone matures cognitively; changes in processing, decision-making, self-concept, emotions. Piaget was a psychologist who famously developed four stages; this is a progressive model with certain characteristics and ages in each stage. Research online Criticisms of these stages?