Malia Crouse Regis University January 22, 2009 Democracy Lab: Online Student Collaboration through Dialogue and Deliberation Malia Crouse Regis University January 22, 2009 Copyright Malia Crouse, 2009. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.
Democracy Lab in a Nutshell 10 week online course Integrated into an existing course Students learn and practice dialogue and deliberation skills Students work with their peers from different universities and across disciplines Course built around current issues Trained facilitators assigned to each section $30 per student fee: cheaper than a text book!
Benefits of Democracy Lab… Outside Classroom Walls DL participants connect with other university students from across the nation through online forums and discussions. Students are split into sections with their peers from at least one other university and within multiple areas of study.
Cross-Cultural Connections Geographic diversity reaches alternative perspectives and engages critical thinking. DL creates a safe space where students feel comfortable sharing personal experiences and acknowledging biases and stereotypes. Students not only reflect on their own assumptions, but learn from the view points and life experiences of their peers.
Current Events Incorporated Issues range from topics of race and ethnicity to health care, from the role of the media to government policies. Racial and Ethnic Tensions: What Should We Do? By the People: Americans’ Role in the World The New Challenge of American Immigration News, Media and Society: How to Restore the Public’s Trust?
Provides Simple Course Integration Professors can integrate Democracy Lab into their curriculums in multiple ways: focusing on the specific issue concentrating on the process of group work and collaboration
How DL Works… Each student has individual login information Students are assigned to a section of no more than 15 students
Weekly Flow and Course Overview Identifies week’s assignments and expectations Facilitator’s comments and place for feedback Required readings or “Lessons” for the week Questions for the students to answer and reflect on, based on Lessons and course issue
Dialogue and Deliberation take place within the “Question” forums Students read the assigned question and post their thoughts Students read what other’s have posted and reply using dialogue skills such as inquiry and advocacy
At the start of a new discussion, students are able to reply directly to each other Or reply to the “parent” post to address the initial student’s idea
Student Feedback “I learned more than just about the current course issue. I learned how to communicate effectively without debating, and I learned to listen to other peoples’ views and beliefs even if I did not agree with them. That is something I learned from Democracy Lab and it is something that I will be able to benefit from in the future.” -DL Student, Fall ‘08
Professor Feedback “Democracy Lab is a powerful tool that enables students to deeply connect to one another through dialogue and conversation. The course is significant in its ability to teach students not only how to listen to one another, but also how to learn from each other; skills that are more powerful coming from their peers than any lecture I could ever give.” -DL Professor, Fall ’07
Democracy Lab Coordinator Contact: Malia Crouse Democracy Lab Coordinator 303-964-5717 Visit us online at