Stages of Human Development
1st Trimester Zygote to embryo Heartbeat detectable (6wk) Male penis begins to develop Hormones begin production Can be 6cm by end of trimester
2nd Trimester 3 inches-10inches Fingerprints developed Bones begin to develop Eyelids and eyebrows form Gender can typically be determined
3rd Trimester Skin smoothes out as fetus gains fat Will begin to blink and respond to light Lungs finish development Avg. 19inches & 7lbs
Infancy Birth to 1 year Begins hand movements First smiles and begins to use vocal sounds Learns to sit up independently Crawling and walking is mastered
Toddler 1 year – 3years Speak first words Vocabulary increases Attempt sharing and friendship Begin social development (trust)
Childhood 4 years to 12 years Growth rate slows down Most memories form Should be able to use stairs and run Most learn to read
Adolescence/Adulthood Begins at 13/ sexual maturity Puberty occurs Physical growth has slowed down/ceased Menopause signals end of this phase Phase with best reproductive ability
Elder/Old Age Loss of skin elasticity (wrinkles) Loss of hair color or balding Memory loss or forgetfulness Failing eyesight or hearing Possible limitations in mobility