Finally you can draw dark Finishing is just what it sounds like. This is the step where the drawing is completed. You have laid the foundation with blocking, transformed the drawing in the fine tuning stage, now comes the finish. Finally you will be able to do put down the hard dark lines you wanted to start with. I’ll take it from here.
Line quality is the feeling expressed by the line The main task of finishing is developing the line quality. Line quality refers to the emotional, expressive properties of the line. Is the line curvaceous, jerky, consistent, or variable? The choices your make will have a big impact on the feeling of the drawing.
Long smooth lines are confident There is no definitive right or wrong, but there are some guidelines. a clean line looks better than a broken, jerky, or hairy line. If your lines are a little hairy, now is your chance to clean it up. An unbroken line communicates a confident hand; nobody has to know that it took three steps to get that look.
Variety is the spice of Line One of the fundamental principles of good design is variation. Lines that are too uniform are lifeless. Varying your line width will add vitality to your drawing. When deciding how to add variation to your lines consider the following principles: Outlines want to be thicker than interior lines. Curved sections want to be thicker than long straight sections. Bold lines come forward, and thin lines recede. Beware of texture, like spice a little is appealing, but too much is repellent.
Now you are finished Finishing a drawing is the simplest step in the process but that doesn’t mean that it’s not important. The quality of the line work can have a powerful effect on the feeling of the drawing. Line thickness and variety can call attention to some areas and make others recede. Make sure the emphasis of your drawing is where you want it by using attention grabbling elements selectively. When the lines are darkened in with the appropriate variation your drawing will be Finished, congratulations, time to show it off.