Pumpkins Still Life Drawing A still life is defined as a collection of inanimate (not moving, still) objects arranged together in a specific way.
Vocab Tonal Shading = smooth perfect shading, no directional lines High Values = highlights and white areas Low Values = dark shadows and shading Middle Tones = middle greys and shading Reflected Light = light that bounces off the table and onto the object from the other side
Implied Textures
Cast Shadow & Background Shading
Cast Shadows
Directions: Draw a ½ inch border on paper Draw a contour drawing of what you see Make sure to draw what the pumpkins are sitting on; they don’t need to be sitting in space Draw your still life with shading, high values, low values, and middle tones Make sure your drawing has cast shadows, implied texture, where needed, and lots of contrast Make sure the light source is coming from the same direction on all objects Have the light source come from the ceiling Remember your reflected light ASK QUESTIONS IF NEEDING HELP Take your time and do well!