A first hand study of a pear. I experimented with pen and ink. 4/20 Annotation Use your key words sheet to help you annotate your work. Annotation can be written on the work but if you prefer you can write it on a post it note for me to check. Below are some examples of annotation and the marks out of 20 that you would receive for each, I have highlighted in red the key changes. Each annotation is about the image on the left. A drawing of a pear. 0/20 A first hand drawing of a pear. I have used pen and ink and orange and pink. 3/20 A first hand study of a pear. I experimented with pen and ink. 4/20 By using ink for my first hand study I was able to show the directional marks needed to create the texture and shape and form of the object. 13/20 By using layers of ink wash, I was able to build up the soft and delicate layers of colour needed to describe the flesh of this first hand pear. This enabled me to show areas of light and shadow, creating shape and form. The brush marks follow the curve of the fruit, helping them to look 3D, as your eye follows the directional lines around the pear. The dense cross hatching darkens up the shadows, making the fruit look solid. Usually I would not use heavy outlines as it can make work look flat but this is a new technique that I want to explore in my work after seeing the ink drawings of VanGogh. 20/20