利用iBeacon設計感知教室學習活動歷程雲端服務系統應用於翻轉教室教學 Using iBeacon to Develop a Cloud-based Awareness Classroom Learning Activity Portfolio System Applied in Flipped Classroom.


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Presentation transcript:

利用iBeacon設計感知教室學習活動歷程雲端服務系統應用於翻轉教室教學 Using iBeacon to Develop a Cloud-based Awareness Classroom Learning Activity Portfolio System Applied in Flipped Classroom 國立虎尾科技大學 資訊管理系 報告人:雍有明 作者: 蔡鴻旭 雍有明 彭介彥 王君善

Agenda Motivation Introduction Backgrounds iBeacon Flipped Classroom Wireless Sensing Classroom Learning Activity Portfolio System Conclusions


Motivation Common Problems in Traditional Classroom Less Interaction Passive on using teaching material Traditional Classroom: Without computers ? How to promote interaction by computer technology? Student are rather passive to study teaching material

Motivation-Solution Interactions Teaching Material Solution: Nowadays, mobile devices are popular. This system pushes data to mobile devices. Solution: Using mobile device to access teaching material by APPs.

Introduction Classroom Learning (c-Learning) Support highly interactive classroom learning. Face to Face. e-Learning is a popular solution to support classroom learning to build a blended learning . Nowadays, mobile devices are becoming more ubiquitous in our life. Wireless sensor technology is widely utilized for automation. This inspires us to develop a cheap interactive feedback system for c-Learning in traditional classroom. Wireless Sensing Classroom Learning Activity Portfolio System

Backgrounds -iBeacon iBeacon Pros With iBeacon , Apps able to collect relative location and attendance. Pros Signal distance of iBeacon just fit the traditional classroom space。 Low cost on Deployment。 Most of recent smart device are Bluetooth supported.

Backgrounds– Flipped Classroom To increase interaction with this system In traditional class room. Flipped learning is a form of blended learning. (Špilka, R., & Maněnová, M., 2014) Students learn new contents online by studying multimedia lectures outside of classroom. (Bishop, J. L., & Verleger, M. A., 2013) This system provides an App that supports to study multimedia material.

Wireless Sensing Classroom Learning Activity Portfolio System System Architecture :

Backgrounds–Learning Procedure Course configuration Upload location information Roles System Create notification Broadcast Interaction with quiz Teacher Students enter classroom Student Teacher setting interaction question Automatically scan iBeacon Collecting iBeacons in classroom or not not Answering yes Upload feedback Portfolio Analyzing

Conclusion This study proposed a system with iBeacon, which supports a teaching model based on flipped classroom. This teaching model improves : Using awareness technology to Increase interaction on traditional classroom. Teacher is able to quickly know student learning situation. Convenient operation.

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