TEMPEST EXRESS 30 Scenario Overview as of 17:00 WIB, 21 April 2017
Scenario Overview 16 April 2017 @ 17:12 WIB: 7.2 MW, IX Intensity earthquake strikes 37.2 km (23.1 miles) south of Yogyakarta City. Earthquake depth 33 km (20.5 miles). No tsunami generated. Mount Merapi volcano increases volcanic ash plume. Mount Merapi located 30 km north of Yogyakarta City, summit elevation 2,950 m (9,679 ft.) Ash plume rises to height of 7 km (22,966 ft.) Prevailing winds blowing from SSE, blowing ash cloud into Central Java.
Scenario Overview Immediately after earthquake: Local police, fire, emergency services, TNI personnel and residents begin initial response. Indonesian Center of Volcanology and Geophysical Hazard Mitigation issues volcano alert: “Alert 2 – Code Yellow.” Informs officials may raise to “Alert 3 – Code Orange” and call for evacuation of slopes of Mount Merapi. Adisutjipto International Airport in Depok, Sleman Regency, DIY, closed for damage assessment. Achmad Yani Airport, Semarang City, Central Java, closed as path of ash cloud monitored. 16 April 2017 initial assessments: Dead: 2,500 Seriously injured: 1,500 Homes destroyed: 4,000
Affected Regencies and Cities Scenario Overview Affected Regencies and Cities Central Java: Boyolali Regency; Klaten Regency; Magelang Regency; Purworejo Regency. Special Region of Yogyakarta (“DIY”): Yogyakarta City; Bantul Regency; Gugung Kidul Regency; Kulon Progo Regency; Sleman Regency.
Scenario Overview 17 April 2017: Assessments show disaster damages exceed provincial internal response capacities for DIY and Central Java. Governors of DIY and Central Java declare Provincial Disaster Emergencies. Achmad Yani Airport reopens. 18 April 2017: Assessments show disaster damages exceed national response capacity. President of Indonesia declares National Disaster Emergency. Government of Indonesia conveys will accept offers of international assistance, including MCDA.
Scenario Overview 19 April 2017: Adisutjipto International Airport re-opens. Limited to daylight operations & visual flight rules due to damage to control tower and navigation aids. All flights into Adisutjipto to avoid approaches from the northwest due to ash cloud. 20 April 2017: 752 aftershocks, most intense at 5.2 MW. Aftershocks continue. 02:30, BATAN reports radiation levels outside the PTSA nuclear research reactor facility in Depok, Sleman Regency, DIY, exceed safe levels; begins assessment. 21 April 2017: BATAN and DIY officials impose 2 km (1.24 miles) mandatory and 3 km (1.86 miles) voluntary exclusion zone around PTSA. Although within 3 km voluntary exclusion zone, Adisutjipto International Airport remains open for disaster response operations. BATAN warns if radiation levels increase, may have to extend exclusion zones to 3 km mandatory and 5 km (3.1 miles) voluntary around PTSA.
Scenario Overview 21 April 2017 (cont.): All MPAT Nations internal requirements allowing MPAT Nations’ forces to conduct foreign disaster assistance satisfied. MPAT Nations planners arrive in Jakarta. 22 April 2017: MPAT Nations’ planners convene in Jakarta to begin TNI-led, coordinated planning of: Multinational military support to Government of Indonesia earthquake response operations; and Branch plans for multinational military support to a Government of Indonesia call for possible evacuation of affected persons if the radiation exclusion zones are expanded to 3 km (mandatory) and 5 km (voluntary); and/or Branch plans for multinational military support to a Government of Indonesia call for possible evacuation of affected persons from slopes of Mount Merapi in the event of a possible volcanic eruption.
Scenario Overview
Scenario Overview As of 15:00 on 21 April 2017: Dead: 5,775 Houses destroyed: 67,505 Injured: 46,021 Houses damaged: 72,113 Displaced: 558,472
Please refer to the following for further information: Scenario Overview Please refer to the following for further information: BNPB SitRep 4 as of 21 April 2017 @ 16:00 WIB UN OCHA SitRep 2 as of 21 April 2017 @ 17:00 WIB
Yogyakarta Earthquake Response Scenario Overview Yogyakarta Earthquake Response Working Groups Government of Indonesia civilian agencies and TNI; Humanitarian Community and Regional Organizations; TNI-led MPAT Earthquake Response; TNI-led MPAT Radiation Evacuation Planning; TNI-led MPAT Volcano Evacuation Planning; and Multinational Military Coordination Center (MNCC): 09:00 daily meeting; 6 representatives / group; Receive daily update briefings; and Coordinate and prioritize planning issues.
Scenario Overview Discussion