Aprende Agendas.


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Presentation transcript:

Aprende Agendas

What needs to be returned by next Wednesday, 8/16/17? Emergency Card - must return by next Wednesday, August 16 (white form) Kyrene Handbook Signature Page - must return by next Wednesday, August 16 (tan or blue page) Parent Notification of Discipline Policies - must return by Wednesday, August 16 (white pages) Food Program - only return as needed (purple pages) Accident/Insurance booklet – parent choice, do not return to Aprende

Why do we have Agendas? Help keep you organized Write down assignments and due dates. Think about what you have learned. Help plan your week

Flip to page two in your agenda Write down your class schedule (IN PENCIL- Schedules change! ) Write your name in your agenda. Write down your grade level.

This is how you start….

Page three Write down your personal information in your agenda. If you need to pull out your cell phone for phone numbers that is OK.

Those other pages in the front of the agenda During the school year, we will review these pages and discuss information. *****HINT******- Class bell schedules are on pages 7 and 8

Page 20 and 21. Yes it’s August! Each month features an overview monthly calendar. Use these to highlight special days for the upcoming month. For Example- -Family and Friends B-days, special celebrations -You can add long term assignment due dates (Science Fair!) -Write down upcoming important school events- dances, family math night, etc…

Where do we Start? Find Page 25 Find August 9th, 2017. This is the first day you will be using your new agenda!

How do I use the agenda? Each class period you will need to write down the learning objective and any assignments for the day. The learning objective will be given to you by your teacher. The assignments will also be given to you by your teacher. Every day and Every period

Did that just say Every day and Every period Did that just say Every day and Every period? Yes- Every day and Every Period you will need to write down the learning objective and any assignments for each of your classes.

Flip to Page 26! Let’s review the page- We will discuss each of these sections on the next few slides. College Word of the Week To Do List Weekly Learning Log

College Word of the Week Each week the college word of the week needs to be defined. Each week you will need to use the word of the week in a sentence. The College Word of the Week for this week is: INQUIRY

TO DO LIST…….. The To Do List is broken up into two sections. Academic- Write down upcoming projects, quizzes, and tests. You can also use this area to remind yourself to go get help from one of your teachers. (tutoring) Extracurricular- Use this section to write down practice schedules before or after school or when you meet with your school club.

Weekly Learning Log -The learning log is a great way to think about the major things you learned in school for the week. -Use the questions at the top of this section as a way to help you organize your thoughts.

Excuse me- Do we get an Agenda grade each week in Advisory class?

YES- you do get a grade for properly filling out your agenda each week!

Agenda Check each week in Advisory Daily Objective and Assignments are written down. To Do List is being used. College Word of the week is completed. Weekly Learning reflection is completed.

Grading Rubric- How did I do? Section Points Daily Objective and Assignment 5 (point for each day) Previous Wednesday-Tuesday To-do-list 2 (being utilized) College word of the week 2 (used in a meaningful sentence) Weekly Learning Log Reflections 6 (point per class on weekly learning log) Total 15 points
