13 June Turn in Annotated Bibliography Subordination or Coordination? (must be uploaded to www.turnitin.com also today to avoid losing points) Subordination or Coordination? Repair Sentence Fragments & Revise Run-On Sentences pages 42-47 Chapter 6 Jigsaw In your groups skim the chapter for the important ideas, create an example to represent the information, and decide how to present it all. Integrating Sources pages 110-115 Organizational structure and grammatical elements of nonfiction pieces. HW: Read chapter 7, complete Hacker exercises: 14-1 to 14-3 and 15-1 to 15-3 and 30-1 to 30-4, and bring a ROUGH draft of your paper tomorrow.
Groups for Chapter 6 “Write the Supporting Paragraphs” to the end of “Use the Patterns of Development” p.66-70 “Make the Paragraphs Unified” through “Provide Adequate Support” p. 70-74 “Make the Paragraphs Coherent” p.74-78 “Write other Paragraphs in the Essay’s Body” through “Write the Introduction” p. 78-82 Write a sample introduction using one of the suggested methods. “Write the Conclusion” through “Write the Title” p. 82-84 Write a sample conclusion.