National Implementation of CSIS Core Functions: TANZANIA Hellen Msemo Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA) WMO International Workshop on CSIS Operations & Coordination, Nanjing, China, 21-24 March 2017
WEATHER AND CLIMATE SERVICES TMA provides meteorological and climate services, advice, products and warnings for sustainable development and various sectors Public Weather Services - Forecasts and Warnings; Aeronautical Weather Services - enroute, take off and landing, route planning, airport and runway planning; Agrometeorological services – Agric. operations (planting, weeding, spraying), irrigation, yield estimation; Disaster Management; warnings, seasonal forecast, Tsunami. Marine Operations – Fishing, recreation, transport, oil exploration; Water Resources Management;
SERVICES Cont…. Other Sectors benefiting from meteorological services are: Energy generation and distribution; Health – malaria, cholera, RVF etc; Tourism and sports; climate and specialized forecast Building and construction – roads, dams, bridges etc; Commerce, Industries and Insurance; Defence – Air Force, Navy, Infantry.
How we reach the society (User Interface) TMA uses Television, Radio, Blogs, Newspapers, journals, mobile phones and social networks such as facebook, tweeter and youtube to reach the society. ( ( ( (blog) Advisories are given through underlined websites of;- Farm SMS tool Feedback from clients shows that 75% are satisfied with TMA services. (2013 analysis)
Current Status of Climate Services Disaster Risk Reduction :- Warnings , Advisory Seasonal Forecast Daily weather Forecast Below to Normal Rainfall very likely during the season Potential Impacts Suppressed moisture level due to increased frequency of dry spell~ crop yield Reduced river flow discharges and water levels in rivers and dams Excessive surface runoff and elevate flood risks Outbreak of water borne diseases due to water shortage and poor sewage management Increase of the likelihood of insufficient pasture in most areas of the pastorals and agro-pastorals, drying of livestock water infrastructures Measures Good practice of environmental conservations and ensure preparedness, response, and mitigation plan are in place
Current Status of Climate Services Health : Seasonal Forecast Maproom Daily data and forecast
Current Status of Climate Services Agriculture : Seasonal Forecast Bulletins 5, 10 ,Monthly forecast Downscaled Forecast Onset and ceasion Longido District
Requirements in Climate Services and Data Requirements Global Regional National Sector Marine Observation Wind field Bathymetric Data Temp. and Tidal data (large lakes and IO) High Resolution. Wind Initial and boundary data- model-WRF Customized Model Temp, Wind and tidal Bathymetric data Tidal (very few) None for large lakes
Requirements in Climate Services and Data Requirements Global Regional National Sector Energy Wind field Radiation Mapping potential area for wind and solar Energy Evaporation data-dams Duration and intensity of Radiation Wind field at diff. level 10,50, 100 (hot spot) Catchment data Wind, temp. Flood and Drought Satellite, NDVI -data for Hazard Mapping- historical data Satellite estimates, NDVI Development of Threshold Rainfall, NDVI River gauge data Rainfall
Global/Regional Products (Deterministic and Probabilistic ) Climate Services Products Marine High resolution products for Marine forecast Bathymetric information Wind and tidal products Flood and Drought Hazard maps Hydro- estimator Indices Energy Evaporation data Re- analysis products- wind Mapping of potential areas
Institutional Capacity : Organization and Administrative Strategic Plan Political support Ministerial Advisory Board Chief Executive Officer DIRECTOR GENERAL Forecasting Services DIRECTOR Zanzibar Office Legal Services Unit LEGAL OFFICER International Affairs Unit MANAGER Internal Audit Unit INTERNAL AUDITOR Meteorological Training Centre Kigoma - PRINCIPAL Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Unit -MANAGER Research and Applied Met. Technical Services Quality Assurance Services Information and Comm. Technology -MANAGER Environment and Research Services - MANAGER Climatology and Climate Change Services - MANAGER Applied Meteorological Services - MANAGER Aeronautical and Marine Meteorological Services-MANAGER Central Forecasting Office (PWS, NWP) MANAGER Business Support Services Finance and Accounts Marketing and Public Relations Administration and Human Resources -MANAGER Network Operations Zonal Mangers
Institutional Capacity Mandates Meteorological Act Establishment order –Framework document –Agency Other – Act: - Disaster Management
Operational Capacity
Infrastructural and Personnel Capacity Climate Services Strength Weakness/ needs Marine, Energy and DRR (Floods and Drought) Cluster computer Modeling Section Trained Personnel Climate data base and Tools IT infrastructure in – internets Capacity Building (HR)- tools for post processing of NWP and climate model products, statistical adaptations Observation Infrastructure- Software (Flood and Drought) Data Assimilation Capacity of cluster computer- nodes User engagements
General expectations from CSIS How can the Climate Services Information System assist efficiently in enabling effective climate service provision at the national level; specify for: Climate Data aspects- Enhance access of data and other information to shape services Climate Monitoring aspects: Enhance capacity in monitoring- hazards mapping Climate Prediction aspects: Enhance capacity - data assimilation, impact based forecast, training (short and long term training) Climate Projection aspects : Statistical adaptations , develop projection, research etc, capacity building- training, tools User engagement aspects: Establishment of TMA Services Delivery Strategy ,
Thank you Merci