Learning During the Launch Planning a Powerful Start
Objectives: Differentiation in the Early Days (Using LI and CAP results) Looking at the Literacy Continuum The Power of Shared Reading & Writing Finding one Powerful Teaching Point Demystifying Small Group in Kindergarten Common Elements for Recording Literacy Behaviors Empowering Your Para
Comprehensive Core Literacy Writing Reading Modeled Writing Read Aloud Shared Writing Teacher Does Shared Reading Interactive Writing Child Does Child Does Guided Reading Guided Writing Independent Reading Independent Writing The teacher gradually gives control of the text to the child, depending upon the demands of the text and the child’s ability
Turn and talk What does this mean? What are they paying attention to? What can we be on the look out for?
170 students are down there
Turn and Talk About the Levels of Directionality How can it done individually and in small group Levels Left page before right, left to right sentence return sweep. left to right in a word
Click video
CAP Assessment http://vimeo.com/16061723 (TC) What does he know about print and how it works? http://vimeo.com/16061723 (TC) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7337178101668837790# (Clay) He knows… Evidence… Record what he knows what is the evidence?
170 students in Stanine 3 and below
Letter Sound Identification Tasks Letter and Letter Sound Identification Tasks
What does the research say? Two powerful predictors of early reading success are Alphabet recognition (knowing the names of letters and the sounds they represent) Phonological Awareness (understanding that a word is made up of sounds and the ability to manipulate sounds in spoken words) Adams, 1990; Stanovich, 1992; Chall, 1996; Beck and Juell, 1995 where can we get this info
Phonological Awareness Word Awareness Rhyme Awareness Phonological Awareness Phonemic Awareness Syllable Awareness Onset & Rime Alliteration Where on the continuum do they lie. Put in order from easiest to hardest Initial Consonants
Phonological Awareness Word Awareness Syllable Awareness Onset & Rime Initial Consonants Rhyme Awareness Phonemic Awareness Alliteration
Thinking About Letter Learning Which 4 letters are the hardest to learn? a, c, d, f, b, q, s, w, v, z, p, b, d, p, q, because they share the same exact features. Only directionality or the way a letter is oriented in space distinguishes it
Recognize and name upper and lower case letters Strategic Letter Work ABC Chart Letter Books Tracing ABC Book Sort Letters Recognize and name upper and lower case letters Write upper and lower case letters
What are a few sorting activities for LI? letters in abc order, letters with tails, letters that are… tunnels or mountains, letters with circles, letters with sticks, letters that are tall, upper and lower, letters that are short tunnels or mountains, letters with circles, letters with sticks, letters that are tall, upper and lower, letters that are short
Group Jigsaw reading activity
Implications for LI Teaching Clay (1995) says that seeing letters in print is an important part of letter learning, but she prefers instruction that incorporates Three Ways of Remembering unknown letters. (Note these three areas should also be used to help children learn unknown words.) Turn and talk about what the 3 ways are?
Using Letter Formation and Three Ways of Remembering Model with: Write the letter saying its name Write it again saying the verbal path Write it again saying the sound that goes with the letter
Reviewing the Emergent Continuum and What Is Under Control Reviewing the Continuum Reviewing the Emergent Continuum and What Is Under Control
In kindergarten there is a smooth transition from shared to guided reading as children demonstrate that they are on the verge of reading. Early Readers If children do not know letters, there is no need to delay their reading of text. They can continue to learn more about letters and words as they encounter them in text.
Kathy Collins
Ways to assess Observation and anecdotal records Running Records Concepts of Print Informal checklists Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA2) Story Retells/Oral Retelling Letter ID and Sound Briefly discuss in comparison to the list they generated Point out difference between Running Record and Record of Oral Reading Point out the fluency measure and how fluency is something that we often forget to look at; but it is highly related to comprehension. This is particularly important when looking at struggling readers and for children in higher grades. Point out the first line of the quote in the text box… A large study…. Have participants read page 26-27. Basically when assessing fluency we are looking at both accuracy and rate.
Getting the Most from Shared Reading Big Books Big Bang Getting the Most from Shared Reading
Comprehensive Literacy Framework Highlight Shared Reading as one spoke on the Comp. Wheel
Based on assessments, teachers decide what to focus on in days 3-5
One example of planning across the week with Mrs. Wishy Washy
Shared Reading What to Look For! Five ways Shared Reading benefits student learning. 1. It demonstrates fluent reading. 2. It provides a place where you introduce reading strategies through Strategy lessons-- Strategies That Work is a great source for this. 3. It encourages Accountable Talk -You can teach children how to state an opinion and defend it with others, without hitting someone. (Janet Allen said that!) 4. Because the teacher is reading, students are not at risk. 5. It promotes a gradual "release of responsibility model"* for readers. *Pearson, P. David, and Margaret C. Gallagher. 1983. "The Instruction of Reading Comprehension." Contemporary Educational Psychology 8: 317-344. School Song is one example. 5 things to remember about Shared Reading.
Crazy Have you ever cleaned an animal? What are some of the things crazy people do? Yes No Crazy Some graphic organizers to do some background building before the first read.
Explain where students are and how teacher is reading the text