Andres Harjo Transport Department City of Tallinn Best practices and lessons learned in Tallinn Andres Harjo Transport Department City of Tallinn 05.02.2015
Planning PT line network and service citizens Management Tallinn City Council Tallinn City Government Departments Transport Department Planning PT line network and service Direct award Public contract Common ticketing system and subsidizing Tallinn City Transport Company (TLT) 100% owned by city of Tallinn MRP CityLines Private Co. No commercial lines Buses, trams, trolleys 90% of total service volume Buses 10% of total service volume
Basic figures Number of vehicles, average age and low floor %: Busses 356 9,3 60% Trolleys 65 15,0 58% Trams* 39 28,5 18% * 20 new trams not included Mileage 2014 (thousands km): Busses 23 557,4 Trolleys 4 641,8 Trams 2 593,8 Number of boardings 2014 (passengers): Busses 96 602 359 Trolleys 25 884 140 Trams 19 972 150 Total: 142 440 649
Restrictions due to geographical location of the city
TIME cost – PT priority and clear information
PT priority
Park and Ride service for smart people
Reconstruction works
QUALITY – Upgraded fleet and infrastructure
RELIABILITY – Real time information
PRICE – affordable for all
Basic data collection Contactless card validation system allows to analyse passanger flows in order to improve the public transport system
PT identity guide
Feedback from PT users inTallinn 84% of the inhabitants of Tallinn used PT in 2014. PT is the main transport mode for 51% of Tallinners. During the last 2 years 40% of PT users have started to travel more often with PT, because it is for free. Compared to 2013, there were 8% more PT passengers in 2014. 74% of passengers are satisfied with PT management in Tallinn. Satisfaction with PT in Tallinn has increased annually. The average rating in 2014 was 3,93 (max rate 5), compared to 3,61 in 2010.
Enjoy quality time
Thank you for your attention! Welcome to Tallinn, the capital of free public transport!