Order Entry Learning Tool T-1230


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Presentation transcript:

Order Entry Learning Tool T-1230 This work has been produced by DGL (Aust) Pty Ltd This Order Entry package has been designed for usage on DGL’s intranet to aid DGL Employees with Order Entry into LMS

GOODS OUTWARDS An Outwards docket is to be done to aid the warehouse staff in picking the correct stocks and to provide the customer with a sufficient Proof of Delivery (POD). HOW TO IMPUT AN OUTWARDS ORDER INTO THE LOGISTICAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (LMS) STEP 1 Opening the LMS can be done by one of 2 ways 1. Via the Start Menu on the Desktop; or 2. Via a Shortcut on the Desktop

Log in to the LMS by providing a User ID & password STEP 2 Log in to the LMS by providing a User ID & password User ID and Passwords are given to employees at commencement of employment, if one has not been issued, could mean that it is not required for you to have access to the LMS system.

STEP 3 An LMS toolbar will be displayed All entries will be entered via the processing menu Once a drop down box appears select Docket Entry

How to Add a New Docket - Outwards DATE REQUIRED – This generally is the date the DGL customer wants the delivery made for local deliveries or when they need dispatched for outer metro or interstate deliveries. HANDY HINT: Try using the TAB button to move from section to section 10/03/10 CHE01 CHEMIPLAS AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 123456 PO45678 BER4178 BERRI LTD DGL TRANSPORT CHEP PALLETS ONLY DELIVERY BETWEEN 7.30AM – 4.00PM MON - THURS GATE1 102 TRADE STREET LYTTON QLD 4178 LOCAL DISTRIBUTION CUST-CODE – This is the code assigned to the customer when an account is created for them in most circumstances this is determined by the first 3 letters of the customers company name and followed by 2 digits. If the Customer code is unknown the binoculars can be used by pressing them to bring up the Customer Search box. As you don’t know the code search by the Client Name DESTINATION – This is the receivers address details, a code or name must be put in the box or you are unable to save the docket. If the destination code is unknown the binoculars can be used by pressing them to bring up the Consignment Address Maintenance. As you don’t know the code search by the Consignee. If it still does not exist you will need to add it by using this same window. INSTRUCTIONS – This is for instructions relating to the delivery or the receivers requirements for the delivery eg Chep pallets only etc MOVE-TYPE – This is the type of movement required and it is always defaulted to an outwards move (other movement types will be mentioned in this package. ROUTE – This defaults as to system settings, and can change when manifested to drivers runs and so forth, when the customer transport box is ticked it will automatically default to customer this box does not have to be changed. ZONE – This is to be selected by the data entry operator from the drop down box, this is determined by the suburb of delivery if DGL is the nominated transport company. The list of zones used for outwards movements is listed on the left. THIS MUST BE SELECTED OR YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO COMPLETE DOCKET. CUST-REF – This is a number that is supplied by the DGL customer, so that if a customer contacts and enquires about the docket it will easily traceable – THIS BOX MUST BE COMPLETED OR YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SAVE YOUR DOCKET DEPOT – This is be a depot that you are currently signed into. ORIGIN – This box defaults to the site in which you are logged into for outwards dockets only CONSIGNMENT-NUMBER – This is used to be able to enter outside transports consignment note numbers, either been utilised by DGL, DGL’S Customers or the Receiving Customers. RECEIVERS-REF – This is usually the company or person(s) receiving the goods, if it is not issued it is not a major problem you will be able to proceed. CUSTOMER TRANSPORT – If DGL has been nominated as the transport company this box remains UNTICKED even if DGL use their own on forwarder. If it is an outside transport is nominated by DGL’s customer the box needs to be TICKED. ADD – By clicking this button it will give you a blank canvas to begin entering information necessary for a dispatch docket.

Saving Information to Generate an Outwards Docket Number 999666 09/03/2010 15.46 Q-600 SAVE - By selecting the save button this will save your information in the LMS and will generate a Docket number this will also display a box in the lower section of the Movement Entry screen which is used for product entry CANCEL – By selecting cancel this will clear all contents putting it back to the previous docket entered FINALISED & DISTRIB DEPOT – Once a docket has been saved the date the time and the depot is automatically displayed. RESET – By selecting this button you will totally clear the information that you have entered

Adding Products to an Outwards docket AER 200V 9.00 PRODUCT – this is a code, or an abbreviation of a products description, these are generally given by DGL’s customers and in most circumstances the customer lists the codes on their orders. If the product can not be found when typing it in, use the binoculars this will bring up a product search screen as you will not know the product code search via the description. ADD – By clicking add this activates the boxes in the bottom part of the Movement Entry Screen to become active ready for product code entry. LOCATION - This batch box will be automatically updated with a location when the it is selected in the onhand drop down box. ONHAND – This drop down box contains a list of stock in the warehouse, it is sorted by batch number but also contains the location and the quantity in that location. In most circumstances if there is stock it will display the oldest batch first – do not also rely on this do always scroll through. If the customer requests a certain batch this must be picked. QTY – this amount that is required by the customer, but you may need to select from multiple batches or locations, the qty can not exceed the amount stated in the onhand window SAVE – When pressing this button it will save your entry and it will then be displayed on the right hand side. If there are problems with your selections a warning box will be displayed outline what the possible problems could be and ask you if you would like to continue. COPY – The copy function is not an active button in this screen BATCH – This batch box will be automatically updated with a batch when the batch is selected in the onhand drop down box. UPDATE – By using this button you can update a product lines batch or qty, again if there is a problem the program will display a warning box asking for you to continue. DELETE – you will need to highlight the line that you want deleted and press the button, this will then prompt you with a warning box, asking if you are sure you want to delete.

PRINTING A DOCKET & ADDRESS LABELS PDF - by ticking this box prior to selecting the print button it will display a copy of the receivers page only allowing you to print copies, email copies or save copies PDF is a smaller file. DOCKET PREVIEW – by ticking this box prior to selecting the print button it will display the each of the 2 copies individually (once you close the office copy it will automatically open the receivers copy), allowing you to print as may copies of each docket as you require, email copies of the each page or save copies of each page. LABEL - Once the label button is pushed it will display a small box “Number of Labels” you can enter the number of labels required of the docket. Click to display an example of the labels PRINT – By pressing this button the computer will generate 2 copies of the same docket an Office copy & a Receivers copy. Click to see examples of the 2 copies.

How to Add a New Docket – Inwards 15/03/10 ISM01 55579 SO1234 A1RYAT JORGES TRANSPORT LOCAL DISTRIBUTION CUSTOMER CUST-CODE – This is the code assigned to the customer when an account is created for them in most circumstances this is determined by the first 3 letters of the customers company name followed by 2 digits (generally 01). If the customer code is unknown the binoculars can be used by pressing them to bring up the customer search box. As you don’t know the code search by the client. ORIGIN – This box now becomes like the destination box in the previous section and can be used just like it, the binoculars can be used to search for the supplier. You will not be able to alter the address lines when it is displayed on the movement entry screen. GOODS INWARDS RECEIPT (F-160) – This form is completed by the warehouse staff as the goods are checked and located within the warehouse. This form is referred to when booking stock into the system. CUST-REF – This number will be the DGL customers purchase order number that was given to the supplier, if an order number is not present on any paper supplied, request from DGL customer. THIS MUST BE COMPLETED OR YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SAVE YOUR DOCKET. DATE REQUIRED – This is generally the date that the goods arrive on site. Date is crucial as will determine from when the storage on the goods begins. CONSIGNMENT-NUMBER – This can be obtained by paperwork that is attached to the Goods Receipt (F-160) not absolutely necessary to be entered for an inwards. MOVE-TYPE – This is the type of movement required as it defaults to an outwards movement, you will need to use the drop down menu and select “INWARDS” or type the letter “I” whilst in the same box and it will appear with the full word. INSTRUCTIONS – This is for further information required for DGL’s customers that can not be imputed anywhere else on the docket eg the transport company that the freight came in on. ZONE – this is to be selected by the data entry operator from the drop down box this determined by the suburb of the pick up if done by DGL. Just use LOCAL DISTRIBUTION if outside transport delivers it in. List of zones above. RECEIVERS-REF – This could be the suppliers order number, if this is not issued it is not a major problem you will be able to proceed. CUSTOMER TRANSPORT – If DGL has been nominated as the transport carrier to collect the goods from the supplier the box remains UNTICKED if an outside transporter has brought the goods in the box needs to be TICKED. ROUTE – This defaults as to system settings and can change when manifested to drivers runs and so forth, when the customer transport box is ticked it will automatically default to “CUSTOMER” and does not have to be changed. DESTINATION – This box defaults to the site in which you are logged into for the inwards. DEPOT – This is the deopt that you are currently signed into

Saving Information to Generate an Inwards Docket Number FINALISED & DISTRIB DEPOT – Once a docket has been saved the date the time and the depot is automatically displayed. CANCEL – By selecting cancel this will clear all contents putting it back to the previous docket entered RESET – By selecting this button you will totally clear the information that you have entered SAVE - By selecting the save button this will save your information in the LMS and will generate a Docket number this will also display a box in the lower section of the Movement Entry screen which is used for product entry

Adding products to an Inwards Docket UNTICK THE ACTIVE BOX TO SEARCH FOR INACTIVE PRODUCTS CRASC890S55/ : 4.00 111333SJ01 D-03-055 PRODUCT – This is a code, or an abbreviation of a products description, these are generally given by DGL’s customers and in most circumstances the suppliers will not know the DGL customers codes. The warehouse staff will supply a description, which need to be found by using the binoculars . You may also untick the active box and this will search for all inactive codes as well. If an unactive code is one that you require you will need to have it made active by following procedure P-440 Introduction of New Product. SAVE – When pressing this button it will save your entry and it will then be displayed on the right hand side . If there are problems with your entry a warning box will be displayed outlining what the possible problem could be and ask you if you want to continue. BATCH – Almost all products that enter a DGL warehouse will have a batch number of some kind, this is to be recorded by the warehouse staff when putting the stock away and must be entered on the computer system as customer rely on this as to determine the older stock first. ADD – By clcking add this activates the boxes on the bottom part of the movement entry screen to become ready for product code entry. DELETE – you will need to highlight the line that you want deleted and press the button, this will then prompt you with a warning box asking if you are sure you want to delete. QTY – This is the amount of product that has been put away and recorded on the F-160 form that was completed by the warehouse staff. LOCATION – This is the physical area in which the warehouse staff have located the product so that it can be easily found in the future. These have been previously set up in the system. You can use the binoculars if there is problems. UPDATE – By using this button you can update a product line, batch, qty or location. Again if there is a problem the program will display a warning box asking for you to continue. ON HAND – this box will need to remain blank as you will be entering stock into the system and not selecting from it. If it brings up a line of stock make sure that you override all the information in the boxes following the quantity. COPY – The copy function is not an active button in the screen

PRINTING A DOCKET & EMAILING THE CUSTOMER PDF - by ticking this box prior to selecting the print button it will display a copy of the receivers page only allowing you to print copies, email copies or save copies PDF is a smaller file. This is the best preview to send to customers as an inwards copy. PRINT – By pressing this button the computer will generate 2 copies of the same docket an Office copy & a Receivers copy. As previous viewed in the outwards section. This way of printing will not enable you to email a copy to the customer. DOCKET PREVIEW – by ticking this box prior to selecting the print button it will display the each of the 2 copies individually (once you close the office copy it will automatically open the receivers copy), allowing you to print as may copies of each docket as you require, email copies of the each page or save copies of each page.

Adding a New Docket - Transit Will automatically be the next working day CHE01 Transfer 1234 LOCAL DISTRIBUTION CUST-CODE – This is the code assigned to the customer when an account is created for them in most circumstances this is determined by the first 3 letters of the customers company name followed by 2 digits (generally 01). If the customer code is unknown the binoculars can be used by pressing them to bring up the customer search box. As you don’t know the code search by the client. MOVE-TYPE – This is the type of movement required as it defaults to an outwards movement, you will need to use the drop down menu and select “TRANSIT DOCKET” or type the letter “T” whilst in the same box and it will appear with the full word. CUST-REF – This number will be the reference given by the DGL customer, if an order number is not present on any paper supplied, request from DGL customer. THIS MUST BE COMPLETED OR YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SAVE YOUR DOCKET. ORIGIN – With a transit docket you are able to enter origin as well as a destination as it is like doing 2 dockets at the same time. CUSTOMER TRANSPORT – If DGL has been nominated as the transport carrier to collect the goods from the supplier the box remains UNTICKED transit dockets are not done up for outside carriers unless it is organised on DGL’s account. DATE REQUIRED – This is generally the date that the goods arrive on site at it’s finally destination. As a transit docket is when a product is picked up from one destination and delivered to another on the same docket without been handled into a DGL warehouse. RECEIVERS-REF – This could be the suppliers order number, if this is not issued it is not a major problem you will be able to proceed. CONSIGNMENT-NUMBER – DGL do not have connotes for their deliveries but if the final destination is to go to a transport company then a consignment note that is written to be recorded in the box. ROUTE – This defaults as to system settings and can change when manifested to drivers runs and so forth, when the customer transport box is ticked it will automatically default to “CUSTOMER” and does not have to be changed. ZONE – this is to be selected by the data entry operator from the drop down box this determined by the suburb of the pick up if done by DGL.. List of zones above. INSTRUCTIONS – This is for further information required for DGL’s customers that can not be imputed anywhere else on the docket eg the transport company that the freight came in on. DEPOT – This is the deopt that you are currently signed into DESTINATION – This is where the goods will be finally delivered to once the goods have been picked up.

Saving Information to Generate a Transit Docket FINALISED & DISTRIB DEPOT – Once a docket has been saved the date the time and the depot is automatically displayed. CANCEL – By selecting cancel this will clear all contents putting it back to the previous docket entered RESET – By selecting this button you will totally clear the information that you have entered SAVE - By selecting the save button this will save your information in the LMS and will generate a Docket number this will also display a box in the lower section of the Movement Entry screen which is used for product entry

Adding products to a Transit Docket You may add any information to the product section and it will not affect the stock on hand, in the warehouse.

Printing a Transit Docket PDF - by ticking this box prior to selecting the print button it will display a copy of the receivers page only allowing you to print copies, email copies or save copies PDF is a smaller file. This is the best preview to send to customers as an inwards copy. PRINT – By pressing this button the computer will generate 2 copies of the same docket an Office copy & a Receivers copy. As previous viewed in the outwards section. This way of printing will not enable you to email a copy to the customer. DOCKET PREVIEW – by ticking this box prior to selecting the print button it will display the each of the 2 copies individually (once you close the office copy it will automatically open the receivers copy), allowing you to print as may copies of each docket as you require, email copies of the each page or save copies of each page.