Introduction to Global Studies: Important Terms
CULTURE The way of life of a group of people or society.
Primary Source Document, speech, or other sort of evidence written, or created during the time under study. “First-Hand account” Examples: Autobiographies, diaries, e-mail, interviews, letters, news film footage, official records, photographs, speeches
Secondary Source Secondary sources are one step removed from the original event. They have been interpreted, or analyzed.
Political map Designed to show governmental boundaries of countries, states, counties, cities, and towns.
Physical Map/ Topographic Their purpose is to show landforms like deserts, mountains and plains. This is called “Topography”
Subsistence Farming Farming enough food for yourself and your family. You may have a small amount to sell for pocket money.
Social Mobility The ability of people to move within a social hierarchy based on income, education, occupation,race etc. Examples: Caste System in India, Feudal System of Japan, Latin America
Cultural diffusion The spreading of culture, culture traits, or culture patterns from one point to another.
Interdependence When countries, nations, or other societies are dependent upon one another for political, economic, or reasons of defense. Present day Japan and United States
Scarcity A shortage of needed resources; Opposite of Surplus (More than enough)
Traditional Society Before modernization/industrialization. Dependent on agriculture Not much individual freedom Group more important than individual Family structure, village life, primitive or outdated farming and hunting techniques.
Neolithic Revolution Shift from hunting and gathering, and nomadic way of life to farming and permanent settlements. Occurred around 10,000 B.C.E.
Code of Hammurabi Babylonian law code which is thought to be the one of the earliest sets of written laws and punishments. An “eye for an eye”, and a “tooth for a tooth”
Mercantilism Colonial powers required their colonies to buy and sell only from them.