Info Meeting Thursday, August 24 6:00 p.m. PLD Choral Program Info Meeting Thursday, August 24 6:00 p.m.
Introduction Mrs. Tiffany Marsh Dunbar Choral Program Chorus director Also teaches Piano I & II Brief Background Dunbar Choral Program Men’s Chorus Women’s Choir Concert Choir Chamber Choir After school Pop Ensemble, M2 voice lessons, other opportunities (found on the calendar and in the handbook)
Expectations Learn music skills through singing. Leadership and ensemble building. Fun and educational. Class Focal Points: Music literacy/reading Vocal development Exposure to different styles of music Music theory Leadership/Confidence
Getting Started HANDBOOK/SYLLABUS OTHER FORMS Students received first day of classes Expectations for class/ensemble, SBG, attendance, attire, etc. Last page to be completed, signed and returned. 17-18 Calendar Attire rental/purchase M2 Voice Lesson Program NYC Trip
2017-2018 Choral Events Annual Special PLD Concerts District Choral Assessment KMEA/KJHC All-States UK Bluegrass Festival UK Male Chorus Day UofL Honor Choir UofL Chamber Competition Women’s Choir Festival Youth in Harmony Solo & Ensemble New York City Trip March 22-25 ALL Choirs & PLD Drama
Volunteer/Chaperone FCPS Records Check Complete once a year for any FCPS event/school. Sign up sheet on clipboard on table.
Communication PLD Chorus website Schedule, class forms, booster info, fundraising Paul Laurence Dunbar Choir Facebook Twitter: @pldchoir Sign up for REMIND Remind may be used with students, but per the Remind TOS: ‘Before using Remind, you need to be at least 18 years old, and agree to these terms. If you’re under 18, a parent or guardian needs to agree to these terms for you.’ This means that although approved, parents must be notified about the use of Remind and approve for the student to participate.
REMIND Chamber Concert Men Women Text @pldchamber to 81010 Text @pldconchor to 81010 Men Text @pldmenchor to 81010 Women Text @pldwomchor to 81010
Concert Attire Concert Black Attire (ALL Choirs) Women: Black dress (plus black dress shoes) Men: Tuxedo - pants, coat, shirt, 2 ties, 2 cummerbunds (plus black dress shoes) (T-shirt for some events included in class fee.) Rental/Purchase of Concert Attire Rental - $30.00 (no charge for Free/Reduced) Purchase - $60.00 (dress); $100 (tuxedo)
Concert Attire Continued… Attire fitting dates are: Wednesday-Friday, Aug. 30-31, Sept. 1, 3:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Students need to attend ONE of the dates. Caran Clark– Attire Chairperson Need adult volunteers for fitting students. Sign up sheet on clipboard on table.
Chorus Parent Help “Friends of PLD Choir” Sponsorship Fundraiser SUPPORT THROUGH VOLUNTEER SUPPORT THROUGH FUNDRAISING “Friends of PLD Choir” Sponsorship Fundraiser August 22-September 15 World’s Finest Chocolate January 8-31 Picnic on the Dawgwood May 11 Assist at events Chaperone Booster Club Booster Board President – Andrew McConnell Vice President – Kathy Isenhour Treasurer – Karen Wagers Secretary – Heather Taylor Accounts Receivable – Fern Wells At Large Committee – Larry Cunningham, Mark Isenhour, Katie Shreve, Victoria Vicary