Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Lesson in Perspectives Historical Background Palestine -Region in the _______________ -Location of _______________ Home to Muslims, Christians, and Jews Pre-WWI -Palestine controlled by ______________________________ After WWI -Palestine controlled by ___________until granted independence Balfour Declaration (1917) -Britain supports idea of creating ______________________________ Zionism -Movement to create Jewish homeland in _______________ -Many _________ immigrate to Palestine Claims to the Land Israeli Perspective Palestinian Perspective Ancestors lived in area nearly ________ years ___________ home to important religious events _________________ believed to have ascended into heaven in Jerusalem Partition -No ______on committee -Divided area into ____ countries -Accepted by _________; Rejected by __________ Israel -_________ state Palestine Land Distribution -55% for _____; 45% for _____ -1.2 million _____; 600,000 _____ Jerusalem -______________ city Palestine (1947) UN Plan for May 14, 1948 Israel officially formed May 15, 1948 -______attacked by 6 Arab nations -Approx. 750,000 _____________ fled/forced to leave -Approx. 800,000 ______ in Arab countries fled/forced to leave for Israel Israel After War: -________controls West Bank -_________controls Gaza Strip Israeli Borders Expand -Majority of _____________ -Western _______________ 1948 War Partition and 1948 War Israeli Perspective Palestinian Perspective Partition creates state of _____________ War was fought for ________________ ________________and other violent acts would not have happened if Jews had a ______________ Had not input on _______________ Catastrophe After war, Palestine ____________________to Arab countries or Israel
Partition and 1948 War Camp David Accords -Egypt asks _____to leave/denies Israel access to Red Sea -________and Egypt sign mutual defense agreement -Continued terrorist attacks from ______ -Also attacks _______ and __________ -Defeat all in 6 days -Take control of West Bank, Gaza Strip -Control of all ________ -Control of Sinai -Control of Golan Heights -Nationalized by ___________ -Closed to ___________blocking access to Red Sea -Backed by ___________and the ______________________ -_____________withdraws troops -_______________________sent to maintain peace in the area Suez Canal Israel Believes Neighbors are Preparing for War 1956 Suez Canal Crisis Israel Attacks Six Day War (1967) Israeli Surprise Attack on Egypt on June 5, 1967 Ceasefire Agreement Partition and 1948 War Israeli Perspective Palestinian Perspective ________________ gained to deter future attacks Begin to build settlements in West Bank, Gaza Strip, and Golan Heights Unified __________________under Israeli control West Bank and Gaza Strip become “______________________” Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) begin to use ___________to attract attention to their cause Anwar al-Sadat -____________President Menachim Begin -Israel’s _______________ Jimmy Carter -________________ -Invited al-Sadat and Begin to ___________________ -Helped __________________ between Egypt and Israel Camp David Accords (1978) Camp David Accords Israeli Perspective Palestinian Perspective Willing to give up land in exchange for ____________ Egypt finally recognizes ___________as a country ______assassinated by Muslim extremists in 1981 ______signs peace agreement with Israel in 1994 The Intifada Peace Efforts Continued Second Intifada The Gaza Strip Ariel Sharon -_________politician -Visited Temple Mount in Jerusalem Palestinian Violence Erupts -Buses, discos, hotels, and fast food restaurants blown up by ________________ Israeli Military Responds -Over 4500 _________killed -Over 1000 __________killed Israel Removes Settlements (2005) -Gave much control of area to ____________ government -Exceptions: border, airspace, coastline Hamas -Palestinian Sunni-Islamic ____________ organization -Takes control of Gaza -Hamas and Israel agreed to ceasefire in 2008 Oslo Accords (1993) -Palestinian Leader __________________ -Israel’s Prime Minister ___________________ -Tried to negotiate a peace recognizing both sides existence -Rabin assassinated by ___________extremist in 1995 Palestinian Uprising -Against Israeli occupation, living conditions, and independence -Demonstrations, strikes, boycotts, rock-throwing, and gasoline bombs Israeli Military Responds -Approx. 400 ______killed -Approx. 1500 _____________killed
Arab-Israeli Conflict: Current Issues Israeli Perspective Palestinian Perspective Sees Jerusalem as its _________ Sees ______ Jerusalem as its capitol Israeli Perspective Palestinian Perspective If Palestinians return and reclaim land, it can mean the end of Israel as a __________state As ___________, Palestinians believe they should be able to return to their or their family’s lands in Israel Israeli Perspective Palestinian Perspective Israeli settlements exist in _________ and East __________ 270,000 Israeli settlers in West Bank Israeli settlements against the idea of a ___________ state -Backed by the ______ -Israeli and Palestinian leaders working on compromise for the peaceful existence of both states Two-State Solution Jerusalem Settlements Security Barriers Movement Security & Terrorism Right of Return Israeli Perspective Palestinian Perspective Terrorist Organizations ________in Gaza ____________in Lebanon Continue to fire rockets into Israel Individuals commit acts of terror Can’t stereotype all Palestinians as ______________ Palestinian ______________denounces terrorism Israeli Perspective Palestinian Perspective Israel building barrier (wall) between it and ______________ Necessary to prevent further ______________ Barrier extends _________border into West Bank territory Israeli Perspective Palestinian Perspective _____________need permission to leave West Bank Necessary to prevent ______________ Restriction _________jobs, health care, education, etc. Standard of living in the West Bank less than Israel’s
Radical Islamic Fundamentalism Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Many members located around ______________ Refused to sell ________to countries friendly with ___________ High oil prices gave them ____________and power The Iranian Revolution (1979) Shah Reza Pahlavi -Adopted __________culture/technology -________________guilty of corruption/repression Overthrown by ___________ Ayatollah Khomeini -________________Fundamentalist -Iran’s new ruler Radical Islamic Fundamentalism -Sought to restore basic _____values Reaction to Western influences Calls for strict enforcement of ___________(Islamic) law Iran Under Khomeini -Constitution based on the ________ (theocracy) -Supported _______________in Lebanon and elsewhere Iran Hostage Crisis -__________________hostages held at U.S. Embassy in Tehran -Released hostages _________days later The First Gulf War Saddam Hussein -Imposed brutal dictatorship in ________ -Engaged in brutal war with ___________for 8 years -Invaded oil-rich ___________ U.S. Response -Feared invasion of _________ -Troops sent to expel Iraqis from __________ -Allowed _____________to remain in power -Wealthy Saudi -Helped fight against Soviets in Afghanistan -Angered by U.S. presence in __________________________ -Terrorist organization formed by ___________________ -Radical Islamic Fundamentalists -Fighting ____________(holy war) against West -Trained members in Afghanistan camps -__________________terrorists hijacked U.S. commercial airliners -Crashed into ____________________and ___________________________ -U.S. President -Declared __________________________ Osama bin Laden Al-Qaeda Al-Qaeda & the 9/11/01 Attacks 9/11/01 George W. Bush Taliban -Radical Islamic Fundamentalists -Gained control of _______________________after Soviet defeat -Imposed strict __________________beliefs -Allowed terrorist groups (al-Qaeda) to operate training camps U.S. in Afghanistan -Afghan government refused to surrender bin Laden -U.S. and allies invaded and overthrew ________________ -_______________captured/killed in 2011 Iraq -World leaders suspected _______________was hiding WMDs (weapons of mass destruction – nuclear, biological, chemical weapons) -Refused to allow ___________inspectors to monitor country U.S. in Iraq -U.S. and allies invaded in 2003 -Hussain captured and ________________ -________________were never found Arab Spring -Series of _____________________________________that spread throughout the Middle East -Started in ___________ -Spread to Bahrain, Yemen, and Sudan Dictators Overthrown -Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya Syria -_______________________used brutal force to stay in power -Ongoing civil war has causes a ________________crisis The War in Afghanistan The Second Gulf War The Arab Spring