Enhancing Health, Study, Work, and Play Through Physical Fitness Chapter 12 Sport Books Publisher
Objectives To identify the various components of fitness To understand the contribution of physical fitness to overall health To examine your own physical fitness level and to develop an awareness of personal fitness requirements To develop a personal fitness and lifestyle program Sport Books Publisher
Introduction What is Fitness? Sport Books Publisher
Introduction: What is Fitness? Is multidimensional: physical, emotional, social, and intellectual components Is the ability to adapt to the demands and stresses of physical efforts Represents one’s functional readiness and level of effectiveness Sport Books Publisher
Introduction: What is Fitness? Fitness includes… Cardiorespiratory endurance Flexibility Body composition Muscular strength Muscular power Muscular endurance Sport Books Publisher
Introduction A high level of fitness is important to competitive athletes General fitness is a prerequisite for the optimal development of sport-specific fitness Sport Books Publisher
Definition of Physical Fitness The ability of the body to adjust to the demands and stresses of physical effort Physical fitness is thought to be a measure of one’s physical health Sport Books Publisher
Definition of Physical Activity Any movement carried out by the skeletal muscles Requires the use of energy Sport Books Publisher
Definition of Exercise Physical activity that is planned, structured, and usually involves repetitive bodily movements Designed to improve or maintain physical fitness Sport Books Publisher
Physical Activity Versus Physical Fitness Physical activity and physical fitness are related measures Physical fitness is an achieved condition that limits the amount of physical activity that can be performed A physical activity-exercise continuum exists, so that what may be considered physical activity to a fit person may be considered exercise to an unfit person Sport Books Publisher
Components of Physical Fitness
Components of Physical Fitness Muscular Strength Power Muscular Endurance Cardiorespiratory Endurance Flexibility Psychomotor Ability Body Composition Sport Books Publisher
Muscular Strength Sport Books Publisher
Force = Mass x Acceleration Muscular Strength The ability of a muscle or muscle group to exert force against a resistance Commonly measured as a maximal value Force and strength are synonymous (greater muscle mass results in greater strength) Force = Mass x Acceleration Sport Books Publisher
Power Sport Books Publisher
Power The ability to overcome external resistance at a high rate of muscular contraction The ability to exert force is dependent on muscular strength Therefore, power is a derivative of muscular strength Sport Books Publisher
Muscular Endurance Sport Books Publisher
Muscular Endurance The ability of a muscle or muscle group to sustain a given level of force (static exercise), or to repeatedly contract and relax (dynamic exercise) at a given resistance Sport Books Publisher
Muscular Endurance Static Exercise: Involves sustained contractions Often compromises blood flow, leading to an accumulation of metabolic by-products and fatigue Dynamic Exercise: Involves continuous rhythmical contractions and relaxations Allows oxygen to be continually delivered to muscle, and for waste by-products to be removed Sport Books Publisher
Static Exercise The flexed arm hang is an example of a static exercise Sport Books Publisher
Sit-ups are an example of a dynamic exercise Sport Books Publisher
Agonist- Antagonist Training Training should include exercises that stimulate both the agonists (working muscles) and the antagonists (counteracting muscles) Focusing only on increasing agonist strength tends to shorten the agonist muscles and weaken the antagonist muscles This shift in strength equilibrium can result in impaired joint positions, and make articular cartilage and muscles prone to injury Sport Books Publisher
Agonist-Antagonist Training Examples: Using partner-assisted exercises Using free weights Using one’s own body weight Sport Books Publisher
Cardiorespiratory Endurance Sport Books Publisher
Cardiorespiratory Endurance The ability to produce energy through an improved delivery of oxygen to working muscles Involves the cardiovascular and respiratory systems The major function of the cardiorespiratory system is to provide oxygen to tissues Needed for exertion over longer periods of time Sport Books Publisher
Aerobic Power The maximal rate at which the body can take up, transport, and utilize oxygen Expressed as maximal oxygen uptake or VO2max Sport Books Publisher
VO2max VO2max is measured as the maximal value of oxygen consumption recorded during a progressive exercise test to exhaustion Sport Books Publisher
Prediction of VO2max Heart Rate Resting Heart Rate Workload Predictions based on the linear relationship between heart rate and workload can be made over a given workload range Sport Books Publisher
Prediction of VO2max Maximum Heart Rate Heart Rate Resting Heart Rate Workload With increasing workload, heart rate increases to a maximum that corresponds to a maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) Sport Books Publisher
Absolute VO2max VO2 is expressed as a volume per unit time (liters/minute) VO2 is positively correlated with muscle mass Absolute VO2max is useful for within group comparisons (group members with comparable mass) Its use is limited when comparing two groups that differ in mass or body composition Sport Books Publisher
Relative VO2max Expressed in relation to mass (expressed in kilograms) Accounts for differences in mass Units used are ml/kg/min Relative VO2 = Absolute VO2 Mass (kg) Sport Books Publisher
Flexibility Sport Books Publisher
Flexibility The ability of a joint to move through its full range of motion Determined by joint structure, muscle length, and muscle elasticity Sport Books Publisher
Flexibility Flexibility is affected by: Age Sex Inactivity The benefits of flexibility include: Good joint health Slowed joint deterioration Improved quality of life Flexibility may prevent back pain and injuries Sport Books Publisher
Flexibility Collagen is important for flexibility Collagen is the main structural protein in connective tissues Collagen provides structure and support to tissues, ligaments, tendons, and joints Elastin allows muscles to be stretched Sport Books Publisher
Active and Passive Flexibility A. Active Flexibility: The range of movement generated by individual effort B. Passive Flexibility: The range of movement achieved with the help of external forces (a partner, weight, rubber band) A. Active stretching B. Passive stretching Sport Books Publisher
Flexibility Passive flexibility exercises achieve a wider range of movement than active flexibility exercises Sport Books Publisher
Stretching Methods There are three stretching methods: Static Stretching Dynamic or Ballistic Stretching Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) Stretching Sport Books Publisher
Static Stretching Method Holding a fully stretched position Slow relaxation of muscles to be stretched Held for 10-30 seconds Repeated 4-6 times Sport Books Publisher
Dynamic Stretching Method Rapidly moving a joint through its full range of motion Involves stretching with repetitive bouncing movements, using small intervals Increasing amplitude range Maximal range achieved after 10-20 movements Repeated 3-5 times Sport Books Publisher
PNF Method The most efficient stretching method Exploits the muscle spindles and the Golgi tendon organs (the stretch reflex) Involves a partner Three stages to the PNF method… Sport Books Publisher
PNF Method 1. Active Stretching Phase Muscles are actively pulled to the limit of the movement range Performed slowly and continuously Prevents muscle spindles from releasing the stretch reflex (and prevents muscles from contracting) Sport Books Publisher
PNF Method 2. Pre-tension Phase Trainee exerts a full static resistance against partner resistance Held for 7seconds Causes tendon spindles to release inhibitory relaxation of the muscles to be stretched Sport Books Publisher
PNF Method 3. Passive Stretching Phase Partner pushes the body further into the stretching position, almost to pain Final position is held, with muscles relaxed, for 6 seconds Partner applies slow and constant pressure Sport Books Publisher
Body Composition Sport Books Publisher
Body Composition Refers to the amounts of fat, muscle, bone, and other organs Percentages of lean body mass and fat body mass are of primary interest Physical fitness is generally associated with a reduced body fat content and increased lean body mass Sport Books Publisher
Psychomotor Ability Sport Books Publisher
Psychomotor Ability Psychomotor ability serves to integrate the central nervous system with the more physical components of fitness Important to functioning and performance in everyday and fitness environments Related to an athlete’s ability to adapt and respond to changes in their surroundings Sport Books Publisher
Psychomotor Ability Psychomotor abilities include: Reaction time Anticipation Visual skills Hand-eye coordination Perception Attention Concentration Balance Proprioception Memory Decision-making Sport Books Publisher
Developing a Strength and Cardio-Respiratory Fitness Program Sport Books Publisher
Training Components to Consider Training time Frequency of exercising Intensity of exercising Volume of training Work-to-rest ratio Type of exercise Order of exercises Number of repetitions per set Number of sets Recovery periods between exercises Sport Books Publisher
Training Time Sport Books Publisher
Training Time Refers to the total time devoted to developing fitness Based on the duration of each training session and frequency of training per week, month, or year Sport Books Publisher
Training Frequency Sport Books Publisher
Training Frequency Depends on the goals of the individual Athletes may train 2 to 10 times per week for strength and cardiovascular endurance For general fitness training, 2 to 3 sessions per week may be sufficient to maintain levels of strength and endurance For weight loss or strength or endurance gains, however, 4 to 6 sessions per week are necessary Sport Books Publisher