Environmental Health Coalition Cal EPA Environmental Justice in SD/Tijuana Region -- May 23, 2005 Environmental Health Coalition EHC is dedicated to creating thriving, vibrant and healthy communities by empowering people, organizing communities and achieving justice. EJ isn’t possible without social justice. EHC emphasizes improving the quality of life in our target communities and supports efforts such as affordable housing, access to health care and promoting living wage because of the importance of these issues to our members.
Low-Income Pay Higher % of Monthly Income on Water, Food and Electricity
Green Energy/Green Jobs Campaign Goals Secure New, Clean Generation of Energy and Reduce Demand Through Energy Efficiency in San Diego, Particularly in Low-Income, Communities of Color. Remove Dirty Power sources. Foster Green Economy by Maximizing the Generation of Family-Supporting, Career-Track Green-Collar Jobs. Empower Community Members through education and leadership development.