Review Ch.11, Sec.3 for Quiz
Chapter 11, Section 3 Fort Pillow income tax Clara Barton Andersonville
Ch.11, Sec.3 III. Life During Wartime A. 1862-Congress allowed African-Americans to serve in the Union army. B. After the Emancipation Proclamation, many enlisted. *made up to 10%, served in separate regiments
Fort Pillow(TN)-Confederate troops killed more than 200 captured African-Americans. Ironically, the Confederacy considered drafting blacks to fight. Meanwhile, slaves resisted their condition.
F. War Affects Regional Economics 1. South- economy suffered – decline in workforce, food was scarce, high prices, shortages 2. North- war caused economy to grow 3. greater involvement by women 4. corruption 5. nations first income tax
G. Soldiers suffer on both sides 1. hardships for soldiers 2. war prisons- Anderson Ville 3. US Sanitary Commissions 4. nurses- Cara Barton
Questions Chapter11, Sec. 3 1. By the end of the war, about 10 percent of the Union Army was made up of____ 2. A massacre of African-American prisoners by Confederate troops occurred_____ 3. The war hurt the south economically by leading to the collapse of its_____ 4. All of the following were factors in the food shortages in the South except the_______ 5. Clara Barton made a significant contribution to the war as a_______ 6. The worst Confederate prison camp, where nearly a third of its prisoners died,was at______
Character Development As a general policy, should we start off trusting people and only stop trusting if they prove that they're not worthy? Or should we be cautious and not trust them until they prove themselves worthy? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each position?