DO NOW THURSDAY List the elements and tell the number of atoms of each element in the following compound: NH4Cl Draw a model of this compound.


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Presentation transcript:

DO NOW THURSDAY List the elements and tell the number of atoms of each element in the following compound: NH4Cl Draw a model of this compound.

TODAYS PLAN Distinguish between symbol and formula. Conclude the number of atoms of each element that exists in a molecule/compound. Differentiate between the model of a compound versus a model of an element. If Time allows: Distinguish between symbol, formula, and chemical equation. Differentiate between a reactant and a product. TODAYS DO We will complete a Making Molecules Activity for a quiz grade. We will begin discussing chemical equations if time allows.

DO NOW FRIDAY Tell the number of atoms in the following compound. Al(NO3)3 Draw it.

TODAYS PLAN Distinguish between symbol, formula, and chemical equation. Differentiate between a reactant and a product. Prove the Law of Conservation of Mass using chemical equations. TODAYS DO We will discuss chemical equations. We will discuss the Law of Conservation of Mass. We will practice identifying reactants and products and determining if equations obey the Law of Conservation of Mass.

TODAYS PLAN Distinguish between symbol and formula. Conclude the number of atoms of each element that exists in a molecule/compound. Differentiate between the model of a compound versus a model of an element. If Time allows: Distinguish between symbol, formula, and chemical equation. Differentiate between a reactant and a product. TODAYS DO We will finish the Making Molecules Activity for a quiz grade. We will begin discussing chemical equations if time allows.

Chemical Equations

Chemical Equations Show us what we get when a chemical reaction (or chemical change) happens.

What does a chemical equation look like? The starting substances are BEFORE the arrow. The ending substances are AFTER the arrow. Starting substances = REACTANTS (BEFORE the arrow) Ending substances = PRODUCTS (AFTER the arrow)

The Law of Conservation of Mass Says that matter cannot be created or destroyed; only changed from one form to another. This mean that the number of atoms of each element on each side of the arrow in a chemical equation must be the SAME. It also means that amount of mass (grams) on each side of the equation must be the SAME. 10 g 20 g 15 g ? g

The Law of Conservation of Matter 6 CH4 + 2O2  2H2O + CO2 Na + Cl2  NaCl Ca(OH)2 + 2HCl  CaCl2 + 2H2O

The Law of Conservation of Matter 7. a. Mg(OH)2 + 2NaCl  MgCl2 + 2NaOH magnesium hydroxide sodium chloride ? Sodium hydroxide 24g ? 20g 30g

The Law of Conservation of Matter 7 Na2SO4 + BaCl2  BaSO4 + 2NaCl sodium sulfate ? barium sulfate sodium chloride 73g 27g 36 g ?

The Law of Conservation of Matter 7 Na3PO4 + BaF2  Ba2(PO4)3 + NaF sodium phosphate ? barium phosphate sodium fluoride ? 32g 64g 17g

DO NOW MONDAY Answer the multiple choice questions on the sheet given to you. These will count as a quiz grade.

TODAYS PLAN Distinguish between symbol, formula, and chemical equation. Differentiate between a reactant and a product. Prove the Law of Conservation of Mass using chemical equations. Explain the factors that influence the rate of chemical reactions. Explain concentration. Define endothermic reaction and exothermic reaction. TODAYS DO We will discuss chemical equations. We will discuss the Law of Conservation of Mass. We will practice identifying reactants and products and determining if equations obey the Law of Conservation of Mass. We will discuss factors that affect the rate of a chemical reaction. We will define endothermic and exothermic reactions. We will practice predicting the rate of reactions and determining if reactions are endothermic or exothermic.

DO NOW TUESDAY Answer the multiple choice questions on the sheet given to you. These will count as a quiz grade.

TODAYS PLAN Develop/design a model to describe how mass is conserved and the number of atoms does not change during a chemical reaction.  Design/construct/modify a device that can release or absorb thermal energy by chemical processes. TODAYS DO We will do a lab activity in which we prove the Law of Conservation of Mass and also investigate how the temperature of a reaction can tell us what type of reaction occurred.

Factors Affecting Rate of Reaction There are different things (factors) that speed up or slow down a chemical reaction.

Factors Affecting Rate of Reaction SPEED UP SLOW DOWN Higher Temperature (Heating) Stirring or Shaking Catalyst Higher Concentration Lower Temperature (Cooling) Lower Concentration

Factors Affecting Rate of Reaction A catalyst is a chemical that speeds up the rate of a reaction by lowering the activation energy. Activation Energy is like the “match” needed to get a reaction started.

Factors Affecting Reaction Rate Concentration refers to the “strength” of a solution. Concentration is a measure of the number of particles of a substance that are in a solution.

Factors Affecting Rate of Reaction High Concentration Low Concentration When you put 4 cups of sugar in your gallon of kool-aid= lots of sugar particles in your kool-aid When you put only 1 cup of sugar in your gallon of kool-aid= few sugar particles in your kool-aid

Endothermic Reactions Absorb energy from the environment Causes temperature to decrease (gets COLD) Products have more energy than reactants

Exothermic Reactions Releases energy to the environment Causes temperature to increase (gets HOT) Reactants have more energy than products

DO NOW WEDNESDAY Answer the multiple choice questions on the sheet given to you. These will count as a quiz grade.

TODAYS PLAN Prove the Law of Conservation of Mass using chemical equations. Explain the factors that influence the rate of chemical reactions. Explain concentration. Define endothermic reaction and exothermic reaction. TODAYS DO We will discuss factors that affect reaction rate and types of reactions. We will discuss the lab activity from yesterday and turn it in. We will practice for our open response. If time permits, we will do our open response.

DO NOW THURSDAY Answer the multiple choice questions on the sheet given to you. These will count as a quiz grade.

TODAYS PLAN Prove the Law of Conservation of Mass using chemical equations. 2.3 Explain how plants give us food in the form of glucose (carbohydrates). 3.1 Describe how animals use oxygen and glucose from plants in cellular respiration to get energy. 3.3 Recognize how plants and animals are interdependent in the process of photosynthesis and respiration. TODAYS DO We will review/practice proving the Law of Conservation of Conservation of Mass using chemical equations. We will answer an open response question about proving the Law of Conservation of Conservation of Mass using chemical equations. We will do a Gizmo about photosynthesis and cellular respiration.