East Craigs Primary School 1+2 Modern Languages Ms Donaldson & Ms Cunningham 1+2 Lead Teachers
Our Aims To give you an overview of the 1+2 approach to teaching languages To share with you some ways the children learn German in class To learn some new vocabulary To explain how you can help your child at home
Language 3 - German P5 S3 Senior phase A revisited and progressive experience of another language in addition to this from P5 onwards. P5 S3 Senior phase
N P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 S1 S2 S3 L2 L3
Many businesses find knowledge of a foreign language can be beneficial to their business (41%) and helpful in building relations with overseas contacts (28%). The foreign languages rated as useful include: French 50%; German 49%; Spanish 44%; Mandarin 31%; Arabic 23%; Polish 19%; Russian 18%; Cantonese 16%; Japanese 15%; Portuguese 11% (and other 16%)
Employability In an increasingly globalised business environment, language skills are highly prized by firms More than a third of companies (36%) recruit employees specifically for their language skills. Employers place a premium on the ability to communicate conversationally in a foreign language – this helps to break the ice with potential business partners, customers and clients, and can open access to new markets. The majority of employers (74%) are looking for this conversational competence rather than full fluency. European languages – particularly French and German – are still the most highly sought-after by employers. A large proportion of employers are also looking for staff with language skills in Mandarin/Cantonese, Russian, Portuguese and Spanish. Emerging stronger: the value of education and skills in turbulent times – CBI Education and skills survey 2009
Guten Morgen!
Guten Morgen Frau Donaldson
Guten Morgen Herr Logan!
Wie geht’s? How are you?
Sehr gut!
Gut, danke!
Es geht!
Nicht so gut! Use this to take the register, start each day with asking Ca va? Around the class. Create Ca va? Cards for pupils with printed off miniature copies of the pictures, ask Ca va? at the start of the day, after break, after lunch and ask pupils to choose their answer and say it to a partner or around the class.
Wie geht’s? Show the photos to the class and get them to decide as a group, as a whole class or individually what feeling they would use to describe each picture.
Wie geht’s? Show the photos to the class and get them to decide as a group, as a whole class or individually what feeling they would use to describe each picture.
Wie geht’s? Show the photos to the class and get them to decide as a group, as a whole class or individually what feeling they would use to describe each picture.
Wie geht’s? Show the photos to the class and get them to decide as a group, as a whole class or individually what feeling they would use to describe each picture.
Wie geht’s? Show the photos to the class and get them to decide as a group, as a whole class or individually what feeling they would use to describe each picture.
Wie geht’s? Show the photos to the class and get them to decide as a group, as a whole class or individually what feeling they would use to describe each picture.
Wie geht’s? Show the photos to the class and get them to decide as a group, as a whole class or individually what feeling they would use to describe each picture.
Wie geht’s? Show the photos to the class and get them to decide as a group, as a whole class or individually what feeling they would use to describe each picture.
Wie geht’s? Show the photos to the class and get them to decide as a group, as a whole class or individually what feeling they would use to describe each picture.
Wie heiβt du? What is your name? My name is…. Use this to go around the class and ask pupils names. Ich heiβe…
Morgen! Guten Morgen! Wie geht’s? Sehr gut, danke! Wie geht’s? Es geht’s Wie heiβt du? Ich heiβe Paul. Ich heiβe Tina. Tschϋs! Auf Wiedersehen!
German Second Level Classroom Talk!
Vokabular Classroom Talk! Hört zu! Listen Blickt nach vorne Look to the front Bitte Please (for use when pupil is talking to the teacher, or the teacher is talking to the whole class) Stellt euch in einer Reihe Line up Ja Yes Nein No Danke Thank you Nein, danke No thank you
Embedding the language Using classroom commands as part of everyday classroom language. We might do the register on some days using Guten Morgen, Wie geht’s? Ja and Nein. Classroom commands are used conversationally in everyday classroom practice.
Primary 5 Curriculum Greetings Colours Numbers to 31 Days of the week Months of the year Seasons Pets The Family
Primary 6 Curriculum It is essential to revisit the aspects of learning taught in P5 plus:- The Alphabet Numbers from 32-50 Weather Where you live
Primary 7 Curriculum Revisiting aspects previously taught The Time What’s in my town? Rooms in the house Food & drink Countries of the World Parts of the Body
Craigmount High School Transition to S1- Ms Cunningham All pupils will continue to learn both French and German in S1. Two lessons of French and two of German per week.
sechs How are you?
sieben How are you?
acht How are you?
neun How are you?
zehn How are you?
zwölf How are you?
dreizehn How are you?
vierzehn How are you?
fϋnfzehn How are you?
sechzehn How are you?
siebzehn How are you?
achtzehn How are you?
neunzehn How are you?
zwanzig How are you?
elf! Pupils stand in a circle They will then count to 11 with each person saying either 1, 2 or 3 numbers e.g. Sophie 1, 2 – Tom – 3,4,5 – Danny – 6, 7 etc. Whoever lands on the number 11 is then out and sits down. The winner is the last person standing.
German Second Level Die Farben!
How can you help your child at home? Youtube songs Websites e.g. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primarylanguages/german/our_world/videos/ Reinforce learning of vocabulary at home e.g. numbers, letters, instructions, colours, weather
BBC languages weather games, videos and songs. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primarylanguages/french/our_world/videos/
Auf Wiedersehen! Noch Fragen?