Welcome to the Sun Youth forum 24 November 2015
Congratulation on your selection to the attend the Sun Youth Forum Congratulation on your selection to the attend the Sun Youth Forum. You will joining other students from the CCSD to discuss a broad range of topics of interest to your generation. You will be representing your parents, The Mojave High School, as well as your fellow attendees. Your conduct and speech will reflect upon all of you, so please be mindful of how you conduct yourself.
Forum Format: You will be assigned to discussion rooms with a guest moderator. Photographers may come in to take photos. You may asked to be interviewed by a member of the press. If you are, they will ask to see your press release. Please show it to them. Answer any question they may have politely and respectfully.
Dress Code: You will be seated in a circular or rectangular arrangement. Ladies, be cognizant of your sitting posture as you don’t want to appear immodest. The rooms will get warm, so layer clothing accordingly. Ladies, please wear sensible and sane shoes. Gentlemen, please ensure your shoes are clean and in good repair.
Decorum: From time to time, discussions may get a little heated in the rooms. Keep your cool and your professionalism. Make your point, but don’t belabor it. Don’t be afraid to support a minority viewpoint; stir the pot and create some controversy.
How we get to the LV Convention Center: We’ll be traveling by bus How we get to the LV Convention Center: We’ll be traveling by bus. You must be in front of Mojave no later than 7:30am. when we get off the bus I’ll lead you to the check-in desk to get name tags, etc. Write down the bus number and remember where it’s parked. I have no idea where the check-in desk will be. Get phone numbers for other people on your team and call/text them in the morning to make sure they’re not late.
Please grab an extra cookie for me . Lunch…the really important stuff. Lunch is catered. Get in line, get your sandwich and drink, and head for the dining room which will be directly ahead of you. I will try to reserve 3 tables by posting Mojave Signs. Let’s all try to sit together. Please grab an extra cookie for me .
A few tips: -Bring note cards with info on your topics A few tips: -Bring note cards with info on your topics. -ensure your cell phone is charged. -Write down the bus number and remember where it’s parked (2nd time I’ve said this) . -Write down my cell number: 702-683-5637. Text me if you have problems, questions, or need assistance with a response.
Getting back to Mojave: We’ll be getting back to Motown at approximately 2:15 -2:30pm. Please meet in room 200 for a quick debrief and evaluation. This is not optional, it’s mandatory. That means you have to participate.
Food drive: Put the word out to fill the boxes that will be around the school in various classrooms. The food is for the three-square food bank. I’ll collect boxes the day before and bring them to the bus. -The greatness of a nation can be measured by how it cares for it’s weakest and neediest. -Generosity is a measure of a person’s capacity for kindness.
-Make new friends and acquaintances. -Have FUN!!!