Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough Chapters 1 & 2
The Fast that God Chooses Chapter 1: The Fast that God Chooses
Formal Definition of Fasting “The act of total or partial abstinence from food for a limited period of time, usually undertaken for moral or religious reasons.”
Purpose of Fasting The primary purpose of fasting is to abstain from food or other important personal activity for the exclusive purpose of drawing near to God.
Guiding Principle of Fasting “Fasting is not an end in itself; it is a means by which we can worship the Lord and submit ourselves in humility to Him” (Towns, p. 16).
Benefit of Fasting “One of the greatest spiritual benefits of fasting is becoming more attentive to God – becoming more aware of our own inadequacies and His adequacy, our own contingencies and His self-sufficiency –becoming more aware of our own inadequacies and His adequacy, our own contingencies and His self-sufficiency – and listening to what He wants us to be and do” (Towns, p. 16).
Scriptural Basis Isaiah 58:1 – 8 The fast that God chooses is not an empty ritual. It has a spiritual purpose.”
to loosen the bonds of wickedness to undo heavy burdens NINE REASONS TO FAST to loosen the bonds of wickedness to undo heavy burdens to let the oppressed go free to break every yoke to give bread to the hungry and provide the poor with housing
to allow the people’s light to break forth like the morning NINE REASONS TO FAST to allow the people’s light to break forth like the morning to cause their health to spring forth speedily to cause their righteousness to go before them to cause the glory of the Lord to be the reward (or rear guard)
Four Types of Fasts
Normal Fast – abstaining from food for a specified period of time in which liquids (water or juice) only are ingested.
Absolute Fast – total abstinence from food & drink. The absolute fast should only last for a very short time, & should only be practiced health permitting.
Partial Fast – abstaining from certain food & food types, or practicing a limited eating schedule. For example, on could skip lunch for the purpose of prayer & Scripture reading.
Rotational Fast – omitting or eating certain families of food for designated periods of time.
Chapter 2: The Disciple’s Fast
Scriptural Basis: Matthew 17:14 – 21 Isaiah 58:6
appetite to strengthen The Disciple’s Fast: Fasting for the purpose of seeking the Lord for deliverance over some besetting sin or evil. “In the Disciple’s fast you control your physical appetite to strengthen your spiritual appetite”. (Towns, p. 31 – 32)
STEPS TO FOLLOW DURING THE DISCIPLE’S FAST: 1. Renounce Counterfeit Control – renounce any influences in your thinking that are not of Christ. (see 2 Corinthians 11:3; Philippians 4:8 – 9) (Towns, p. 31 – 32)
STEPS TO FOLLOW DURING THE DISCIPLE’S FAST: 2. Acknowledge Self-deceiption – seek to discern Jesus’ truth from Satan’s lies. (see John 8:32; Psalm 51:6) (Towns, p. 31 – 32)
STEPS TO FOLLOW DURING THE DISCIPLE’S FAST: 3. Forgive to Overcome Bitterness – forgive others in order to overcome bitterness and experience freedom in Christ. (see Matthew 6:14 – 15; Ephesians 4:32) (Towns, p. 31 – 32)
STEPS TO FOLLOW DURING THE DISCIPLE’S FAST: 4. Submit to God’s Authority – overcome the influence of sin by submitting to God’s authority & the authority He has placed over us. (see 1 Corinthians 6:19 – 20 ) (Towns, p. 31 – 32)
STEPS TO FOLLOW DURING THE DISCIPLE’S FAST: 5. Take Personal Responsibility – acknowledge your responsibility & pride with regard to the besetting sin. (see James 1:13 – 15 ) (Towns, p. 31 – 32)
“When you take responsibility for yourself and your TAKE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY “When you take responsibility for yourself and your sin, you humble yourself before God and enable Him to bless you with the freedom He desires to give you.” (Towns, p. 39) (Towns, p. 31 – 32)
STEPS TO FOLLOW DURING THE DISCIPLE’S FAST: 6. Disown Sinful Influences – separate yourself from the sinful influences that are contributing to the continued bondage to the besetting sin. (see Psalm 1; Galatians 5:24 - 25) (Towns, p. 31 – 32)
mustard seed, you will say to this Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not drive it out?” And He said to them, “Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” (Matthew 17:19 – 21)
Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough Chapters 1 & 2