Autumn Term Year 4 Topic Grids
Experiences, feelings and ideas Art/Images/Artefacts Scripture Matthew 1:1 -17 The family tree of Jesus Genesis12:1-8,18 Genesis 21:1-7 Abraham and Isaac Psalms 9,13,31 Proverbs 3,11 Isaiah 12:2, 43: Trust in the Lord. Genesis 25:20-27 Genesis 35:9-15,23-16 Isaac and Jacob Ruth 1-4 Story of Ruth make links to Mark 1 – call of the apostles Matthew 2:13-15,19-23 Joseph Sacraments Baptism - initiated into God’s family Christian Beliefs God keeps his promises to his people Trust in God Abraham, the father of God’s chosen people Hymns Trust in the Lord Prayers/Tradition Statue of Joseph often seen with a lily because ‘the just man shall blossom like a lily’(Psalm 92:12)"he just man shall blossom like the lily" Year 4 –PEOPLE LF 1-6 The family of Jesus Christian Life; Beliefs and Values Trust in God Faith in His promises Example of Joseph Experiences, feelings and ideas Reflect upon the example of the faith and trust of the various characters studied Have you ever had to put your trust in someone? How did it feel? Art/Images/Artefacts Images of stories studied Statue of Joseph with the lily
Experiences, feelings and ideas Art/Images/Artefacts Scripture 1 Samuel2:11,3:3-10,19 Call of Samuel and David is chosen Mark 1 :1-20 The Call of the Apostles Sacraments Baptism- Called and chosen by our Baptism Ordination – Men are called to priesthood Christian Beliefs Invited to share in the life of God through Baptism New creation through Baptism Personal invitation from God Free will Hymns I have called you by your name (Bernadette Farrell) By name I have called you (Carey Landry) God has chosen me (Bernadette Farrell) . Prayers/Tradition Prayer of John Henry Newman – (Called for a definite service) Year 4 –CALLED LF1 - 6 Christian Life; Beliefs and Values Response to God’s Call Bear witness Faith Service Experiences, feelings and ideas How do you feel when you are chosen to do something special, at school, at home? Reflect on the way that we can respond on a daily basis Art/Images/Artefacts Image of Samuel anointing David Call of the apostles
Experiences, feelings and ideas Art/Images/Artefacts Scripture Sacraments Reconciliation – Part of Advent preparation Christian Beliefs Christ is the promised one of God. The Messiah The Incarnation Gift from God to the world. Ephesians 1:3-6 Give thanks to God for the gift of his son. 1 John1:4,9-12 God sent his Son Isaiah 25:8-9 ‘..and now we are happy and joyful because he has saved us..’ Isaiah 40 9-11 ..’Then the glory of the Lord will be revealed and all people will see it..’ Hymns Come Lord Jesus, Come Maranatha O come O come Emmanuel Christ be our Light YEAR 4 GIFT LF1 - 6 Prayers/Tradition Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary O Antiphons Advent Candle Advent wreath Advent Promises Advent Calendar Jesse Tree Christian Life; Beliefs and Values Prayer Penance Service Joy Hope Experiences, feelings and ideas Reflect on the importance of Advent for Christians How do they prepare for the gift of Jesus? Art/Images/Artefacts Jesse Tree Advent wreath Advent calendar Advent Candle Images of Jesus as gift