MSDS Volume IV Indicator 27 DHQ Hospital Mandi Bahauddin
Indicator 77: Tariff charges inquiry statement display Admin Block Indoor Tariff charges inquiry statement displayed at admin block (2)Indoor
Indicator 77: Designate a resource person for providing an estimate of the expense before treatment.
Indicator 77: Tariff rates and list in printed form are required at designated counter. Coordinator File Almoner File Head Nurse
Indicator 118: Hospital Map Display Indoor Emergency Enterance Admin block Parchi Countre Hospital map displayed at (1) Enterance louby admin block, (2)parchi counter, (3)Emergency (4) indoor
Indicator 126: Fire Safety Alarm Fire Safety Alarm are displayed at following points (1) Admin block (2) Lab (3) Eye Department (4) Main Medicine store (5) Emergency
Indicator 126: fire alarm display Admin Block Laboratory Eye Department Main Medicine Store Emergency Department Indoor
Indicator 126: Smoke, Heat and Sui gas Detectors in labs, wards, ICU, NICU, burn unit and areas where patient mobility is not easy etc. Smoke Detector Gas Detector Smoke Detector
Indicator 127: Documented Disaster Plan
Indicator 184: Complainant Form
Indicator 184: Complainant Form location should be highlighted at main junctions of the hospital. Complain form have been made available at different sites (Indoor, OPD & emergency)
ICU Admission register
ICU Call register
ICU Bed statement register
ICU Lab register
ICU Bed assignment
ICU Crash cart and emergency
ICU Doctor’s round register
ICU Accessories register
ICU Dead body linen register
ICU Record book for breakage instrument
ICU Expense register
ICU Procedure record register
ICU Round book for internal ICU
ICU Helper over register
ICU Narcotics register
ICU Treatment chart