Core LIMS Training: Querying and Reporting
Course Topics Common Canned Reports (sample/experiment/assay) Using Query Pages Reports from List Functions Page Using the Smart Table Report Formats Using Lists Reports 5/27/2018 Confidential
Common Canned Reports Core LIMS already has pages built to answer several common questions: Show me my work Show me all experimental data on a lot or sample Show me all data for an experiment Show me all data across an assay Show me all information for a project In addition, you can build your own custom reports 5/27/2018 Confidential
Show Me My Work Reports are hyperlinked from your user record My Files – a list of all the files (for a selected file type) that you have attached to records My Experiments – a list of the experiments (for a selected experiment type) that you have created My Samples – a list of the samples (for a selected sample type) that you have registered My Lists – a list of any private lists (for a selected list type) you have saved 5/27/2018 Confidential
Show Me All Data for a Sample or Lot Multiple hyperlinks to many useful reports These hyperlinks are configurable so you may have different ones Similar reports are available for both the Sample Details and the Lot Details pages 5/27/2018 Confidential
Common Sample Report Hyperlinks Single Data: all experimental data on all lots of this sample. Each assay will be listed in a separate table. Each data point will be listed as a separate row in the table and will not be averaged (even if the lot and experimental protocol is the same). Rejected Single Data: any experimental data that the scientist rejected prior to publishing an experiment Sample Average Data: all experimental data on this sample. Each assay will be listed in a separate table. Multiple data points from different lots using the same experimental conditions or protocol will be averaged together. This report will just list the averaged value and %CV (and not include all the other aggregate statistics). Sample Aggregate Data: same as Sample Average Data report plus other aggregate statistics Lot Average Data: similar to Sample Average data. Multiple data points from different lots will not be averaged together, but multiple data points from the same lot using the same experimental conditions or protocol will be. Lot Aggregate Data: same as Lot Average Data report plus other aggregate statistics View Inventory: report shows you the quantity, locations, and container IDs of all lots of the sample 5/27/2018 Confidential
Show Me All Data for an Experiment Experiment Details page gives you generic information that applies to the whole experiment Click on the View Report link to see the detailed data for individual samples or Aggregate Data to see duplicate points averaged Export to Excel exports the detailed report Use the Assay links to view reports across experiments 5/27/2018 Confidential
Experiment Report These are samples that were tested together in the same experiment Follow the hyperlinks to see the Lot, Assay, Protocol, Container, etc. Details 5/27/2018 Confidential
Show Me All Data Across an Assay Once on the Assay record, click on one of the reports to view the data These are all the samples that were tested in the same assay from multiple experiments All tables in reports and lists are sortable and filterable, click on a column header to toggle between an ascending/descending sort 5/27/2018 Confidential
Show Me All Information for a Project From a list of Projects or from a Project record directly, there are hyperlinks to reports that give an overall perspective of all records associated to a given project 5/27/2018 Confidential
Searching for Records Quick Find – fastest way to look up a single record Query Pages – provide you ways to filter records by attributes and associations; can be accessed by magnifying glass icon on records or from menus Sample Query (Short) – search by sample attributes Sample Query (Full) – search by sample & lot attributes as well as by assay criteria Lot Query – search by lot attributes Other Query Pages List Functions Pages – way to look up multiple records at a time and apply a variety of reports to them 5/27/2018 Confidential
How Do I Use the Quick Find? 1) Use the pull-down menu to define what type of item you are searching for (if not searching a barcode or record name) 2) Type in a single number in the box OR scan/type the barcode OR enter the record name (case sensitive) 3) Hit the arrow icon to start the search Note: Since there is only one “hit”, you will be taken directly to the record that you requested 5/27/2018 Confidential
Common Query Workflows Generate Report Review hit list Select interesting subset – send to a List Functions page Save/Add to List Search for records that meet criteria on Query Pages Filter List using Smart Table (optional) Generate Report (apply Report Format) Add to queue Core LIMS is flexible enough to accommodate many different scenarios for searching – this workflow shows some common actions that users can perform to help them find and process data 5/27/2018 Confidential
General Tips for Query Pages Type in values/use pull-down menus/pop-up calendars to narrow your results to records that are most interesting to you Filling in multiple criteria is an “AND” query (i.e. a record must satisfy both conditions to pass the filter – to make an “OR” query, do a search for each condition individually, save the compound lists, and then combine them later in the List Functions page) Performance speed is directly proportional to the # of hits in your answer set – narrow your query as much as possible Since most searches have multiple answers, you will be usually taken to a Smart Table to view all results 5/27/2018 Confidential
Sample Query (Short) Short Query page is to search by Sample-level attributes only Searching with no filters = List All records Can specify fields to sort returned results by If you have chemistry module, you can do exact, substructure, or similarity searches 5/27/2018 Confidential
Lot Query Very similar to the Sample Query (Short) except that the attributes to filter by are batch-specific information 5/27/2018 Confidential
Sample Query (Full) When all the options have been set, hit the Search button This comprehensive search page has a section for Sample, Lot, and Assay criteria. There are many options, but it is powerful! 5/27/2018 Confidential
List Format vs Report Format List Format – returns all attributes (of either sample or lot) for the list of records returned Report Format – returns user-defined specific attributes based selections on the fly or stored in a report format record 5/27/2018 Confidential
Query Hits Can Be Returned in a List Further data may be stored underneath tabs To transfer rows to the List Functions page (where you can apply reports to the set), select the Send to list functions menu beneath either the All or Selected Items sub-menu Note: These menus are configurable Select individual rows using the Shift or Control keys to highlight desired rows To drill down into the details of any individual record – click on one of the hyperlinks Every record that passed the filters is listed in a table, 1 record per row 5/27/2018 Confidential
Results Can Be Sent To a List Functions Page A wide variety of reports and tasks can be performed from here (more details later…) 3) Hit the Submit button 1) The list can be automatically transferred from a Smart Table (Alternatively, you can start from this page, type or copy/paste a list of identifiers in, and apply a report to search for information on multiple samples/lots at the same time) 2) Choose one of the reports or tasks 5/27/2018 Confidential
Waiting For a Long Query? How do I know it’s doing something? If you don’t get an instant result, it may not be as obvious that the system is working on your request – depending on your browser if there is a circle spinning, the system is “thinking” If something appears to be “stuck”, then it is probably a better idea to stop your current process (typically hit Esc) first, then resubmit the task Sometime you can see a progress bar or messages at the bottom of the screen 5/27/2018 Confidential
Common Reports From List Functions Page Once you have identified a group of records that meet certain criteria, you may want to get a report with key information from those records Three very common reports can be derived from the List Functions page: How do I get all data in the system on a group of samples/lots? (All Single Data) How do I get all data for a specific assay on a group of samples/lots? (Single Data In) How do I get a table of data that contains key values across many assays? (Generate Report) 5/27/2018 Confidential
All Single Data The All Single Data Report will return all published data in the system on a group of samples Single Data returns all points when a sample is run multiple times in an experiment Aggregate Data will average points when a sample is run multiple times under the same conditions 5/27/2018 Confidential
All Single Data Reports Each sample in the list will be listed sequentially Every assay that has data will have a table on the right Sample and Lot Details are displayed on the left Go to experiment report to compare with other samples in an experiment 5/27/2018 Confidential
All Single Data In The Single Data In Report will return all active data for a selected assay on a group of samples/lots Once Assay Type is selected, the Assay list will be populated 5/27/2018 Confidential
Generate Report The Generate Report gives you a table with key values across many assays Can select from a variety of public or customized private reports Can view in a web page, Excel table, or export as a SD file Tip: for Excel pages, the structures are sortable images, but cannot perform any advanced chemistry functions (like editing structure settings, etc.). If you have tools that can embed structures in a spreadsheet, you may want to import an SD file into an Excel table or convert smiles into a structure instead Selecting All Lots will give one row for each available lot; Deselecting All Lots will concatenate values from different lots into a single row 5/27/2018 Confidential
Generate Report in Excel The Excel table will open in a web browser. In the browser menu, go to File>Save as and choose .xls as a file format. Then you can open the report directly in Excel and have access to all standard Excel functionality. Note: The structures are non-embedded images, but they will move if data in other columns are re-sorted as long as they are not undocked from their original cell 5/27/2018 Confidential
HTML Report: Use the Smart Table to Filter HTML reports will output an interactive Smart table that can aid your decision-making process Click on a column header to get menus with useful functionality You can hide columns that you don’t need to currently view You can also filter rows that you don’t need to currently view 5/27/2018 Confidential
Hands-On Practice Use the Quick Find to navigate to a sample record Look at one of the lot records related to that sample Use the Sample Query (short) page to find records that have registered within the last few days Transfer the hits to the list page and apply a report from the Generate Report function Use the Sample Query page to find records that have been created after a certain date and have data for a specific assay Transfer a few of the hits to the list page and apply the All Single Data report 5/27/2018 Confidential
Can I Choose What Columns Go in a Table? Yes! You can use any pre-defined public report format OR you can define your own customized report The Report Format is where you define what data columns you want to see in a table You can select any combination of columns from all assays in the system You can also choose from any sample or lot attributes Once your columns are defined, the Report Format can be applied across any list of samples to build your own custom report For report formats of entity types other than sample/lot/assay, you can just select the attributes on that entity type or attributes on entity types that are associated to that entity type 5/27/2018 Confidential
How Do I Make A Report Format? Create Report Format allows you define a new list List All allows you find (and potentially edit) Report Formats that are previously defined 5/27/2018 Confidential
Create a New Report Format Type in a descriptive name that will be easily recognizable in a pull-down menu Assay Entity Type will also allow Sample and Sample-Lot fields; other Entity Types will just provide fields within that Entity Type and any fields associated to that Entity If you check the box, only you can see this report in Core. If you do not check it, you can share the report format with others on your team, but sharing too many reports will make a long pull-down menu for everyone. Select a project and hit the Create New button 5/27/2018 Confidential
Report Format Record Click on the Add/Remove Members link to start defining what columns you want to put in your reports Report Formats automatically create a database view in the schema that other applications can point to 5/27/2018 Confidential
Choosing Sample or Lot Report Columns 3. Click Update List to save the new column(s) to your report 1. Select 1 or more columns from the pull-down menus. (Use Shift or Control keys to multi-select) 2. If you want to re-name a column, type the desired name in Alias field (if multiple columns selected, all will get the Alias name) 5/27/2018 Confidential
Choosing Assay Report Columns 1. Select Assay Type to populate other menus 3. Select any other options: Sample Centric - average different lots with same conditions Grouping – if the assay has pre-defined sets of groups (like different concentrations tested) you can pick one to add to report Protocol – you can specify compounds that follow a specific protocol be reported Aggregate Function – you can get other statistics besides an average (add 1 row at a time to get multiple statistics in report) User Defined Equation – you can perform math operations on a database column 2. Select Assay and Data Types 5/27/2018 Confidential
Modifying the Report To reorder the columns in your table, click on the Sort Members link Edit the Alias field if you want to rename any columns Select the Remove box if you want to delete unwanted columns later Continue to add more columns as desired (one at a time) 5/27/2018 Confidential
Sorting Report Columns 1. Type in desired sort order 2. Click Save Sort Order to save new order 5/27/2018 Confidential
Editing a Finished Report Format Later Edit Icon can be used to deactivate record if you want to remove it from view. It does NOT edit the columns in the report. Go to Report Formats > List All to find your record 5/27/2018 Confidential Click on Add/Remove Members to add or remove or rename columns Go to Sort Members to reorder the columns
Applying Your Report to a Set of Compounds Now you can pull the data for the specific columns in your Report Format for any list of compounds using the Generate Report on the List Functions page 5/27/2018 Confidential
Applying Your Report to a Query You can also apply the same report columns to queries. Set your filter criteria as normal but select Report Format and choose the Report Name you want. 5/27/2018 Confidential
Making a Report Format From a Query You can directly start a new Report Format from a Sample Query page. Select ‘Derived from criteria’ as your Report Name and give a new unique Report Name under Save Report. Sample or lot filter criteria you set will not automatically be included as a report column and you can display columns that were not used to filter data. Check the boxes in the Select column on the right to choose columns for a report format. Assay filter criteria will automatically be included. If you want to include an assay column, but not filter data by it, choose the Select for report option This is a great way to quickly start a report and you can go edit column order or rename columns later. 5/27/2018 Confidential
Can I Save a Common Set of Samples? Yes! You can save any list of samples as a List These lists can be public lists shared with everyone OR you can define your own private customized lists You can start a new list or add to an existing list from the List Functions page Once your list is saved, you can quickly apply any report or task to those compounds 5/27/2018 Confidential
Starting a New List 2) Type in a descriptive name that you can recognize in a pull-down menu 1) Transfer a list from a query or paste a list of compounds into the box on the List Functions page 3) If you check the Private box, only you can see this list in Core. If you do not check it, you can share the list with others on your team, but sharing too many lists will make a long pull-down menu for everyone. 4) Select a List Type 5) Select the radio button 6) Hit the Submit button 5/27/2018 Confidential
Viewing Your List In View Member Details section, you can view or remove compounds Click on Forward to List Functions to transfer the list for reports or actions Click on Sort Members to reorder the list 5/27/2018 Confidential
Adding New Compounds to a List 1) Like before, transfer a list from a query or paste a list of compounds into the box on the List Functions page 2) Select from previously saved lists 3) Hit the radio button 4) Hit the Submit button 5/27/2018 Confidential
Quick Data Reports With Create Report A quick way to get up to the minute data on a standing report without going through the List Functions page… 1) Pull-down your pre-saved compound list 2) Pull-down your pre-saved Report Format 3) Hit the Generate Report button 5/27/2018 Confidential
Hands-On Practice Create a new Report Format Add several columns of interesting data in the Add/Remove Members section Resort the order of the columns Query for a few recent compounds and transfer them to the List Functions page; Add the compounds to a new compound list Run the Create Report using your Report Format and compound list 5/27/2018 Confidential
Reports, Gadgets & Dashboards (Scheduled or Live) Gadgets Dashboards A report is a set of results from a stored query returned in a Smart Table. The reports can be pre-run on a schedule or dynamically run when the report is called. A report can be easily incorporated into a gadget (as a table or a plot). Gadgets can be any type of dynamic web content. It can be a table, plot, link to another web page, external widget, etc. Many gadgets can be combined into a single dashboard page. 5/27/2018 Confidential
Reports Start From Query Results Run a query to look for incomplete work orders Save the query as a report from the Smart Table menus 5/27/2018 Confidential
Reports For scheduled reports, users can re-run a report as needed for latest results, but stored results are viewable immediately Live Reports will re-run the query automatically when the record is called Query results will be at the top of the page Query details are at the bottom You can edit the query to refine it later 5/27/2018 Confidential
Viewing Key Reports You can return to a favorite report (and re-run for latest data) at any time by: Finding the report by name or barcode in QuickFind Tool Like the page to find it in the Favorites section Make the report a menu item by associating it to an application Make a gadget to hold the report and add it to a dashboard 5/27/2018 Confidential
Make a Report Menu Item If you add the Report Super Type to an application and associate a report to the application, it will automatically create a menu item to navigate to the report record Associate the report to an application 5/27/2018 Confidential
Make a Gadget for the Report Copy the gadget code from an existing Smart Table example and modify the title Associate the gadget to the report with the data 5/27/2018 Confidential
Add Gadgets to a Dashboard You can add several gadgets in any order to a dashboard page The LIMS will automatically position them using an algorithm to minimize white space 5/27/2018 Confidential
Display the Dashboard Page in the Application Dashboards can be application home pages or standalone pages that users select from a menu To convert a dashboard to an application home page, you need to edit the application and associate the desired dashboard record Gadgets can be interactive – click on area to drill down to underlying data table Select the desired dashboard record to be the application’s home page 5/27/2018 Confidential