Welcome to Math III Support!!! August 6, 2012
Names and Faces Say your name and something interesting about yourself!
Math III Support Syllabus This course is used as an extension for Math III. Students are graded on completion/participation. The class is used for extra practice and time for students to ask questions on materials they are struggling with in the Math III class.
Curriculum Course Final Average Participation/Practice 80% Portfolio 20% Semester Final Average Course Final Average 85% Semester Exam 15%
Materials 3 ring binder l oose-leaf notebook paper graph paper highlighter 2 dry erase markers graphing OR scientific calculator erasers pencils, pencils, PENCILS
Participation This course requires a great deal of participation. Some classes we will take notes, others will be board work, and some will be group/individual work. Asking questions is a MUST. This course is designed to help you succeed in Math III, and it is your job to insure your own understanding of the material.
Practice Each student is expected to attempt, complete, and check every assignment. Practice problems will be assigned daily. Students are expected to work on these problems during class and ask questions as needed. These problems will be taken up in a timely matter and may be check for Accuracy OR Completion. Students are also expected to bring their work from their Math III class to Math III Support to ask question and may even be check for accuracy.
Portfolio The Portfolio for this class is a collection of all work you have completed throughout the course. This should be a notebook or folder that you keep up with throughout the year. This will help you show growth throughout the course and will also be a great tool when studying. You will be allowed to leave this notebook in Mrs. Brown’s room in a designated location. This notebook CANNOT be lost!!!
The 3 R’s What do they mean?
Discipline 1st offense- verbal warning 2nd offense- parent contact 3rd offense- detention (after or before school) 4th offense- office referral ** Certain offenses may warrant skipping the 1st three steps. **
Calculator Rules Only get a Calculator if it is required for the day’s lesson, do not get one if you do not have your own unless you have talked to Ms. Brown or Ms. Meadows You break it, YOU BUY IT!!! $149.99 If using a calculator, clear it out after use!!! When returning calculators, 1. Turn OFF the calculator 2. Place cover on calculator so that no keys are showing 3. Stack the calculators in a neat and orderly fashion (3 stacks of 10 each)
Books You will be using your book from Math III in this class, so I will have a sign on the door if you will need to bring it and it is your responsibility to actually bring the book!
Bathroom Rules GO BEFORE CLASS!!! You get 3 bathroom “passes” each term This will be a sign out sheet that I keep track of If you do not use them, each add 10 points to any assignment If none are used, you can replace a homework assignment (not a quiz or test!)
7 Problem Game Get into groups of 4