A letter will be sent home with information on how to register. Supply List We will be using the Curriculum Associates book Ready NY CCLS. Texas Instruments 30xa Scientific Calculator (or other scientific calculator) Ruler Green Spiral Notebook Green folder Lots of Pencils Pocket packs of tissues A Good Attitude! Register to receive text messages and/or e-mail messages with reminders, homework assignments, and other class information. When you sign up, remind© will not share your phone number/email address. All personal info stays private! A letter will be sent home with information on how to register. Math 7 LMCS Mrs. Fredenburg dfredenburg@lmcs.k12.ny.us 845-439-4400 ext. 2225 Homework for the whole week will be handed out each Monday. Assignments are due each day Work must be shown on separate paper. See HW Rubric for grading system. Late homework will be graded according to the school policy. Homework Policy Extra Help If a student is having trouble they should speak with me as soon as possible. I will work with the student to schedule time for extra help. Extra help is available before school with Mrs. Kuehn and after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:50-3:50 with me.
Math 7 2017-2018 The Number System Unit Outline: The Number System Ratios and Proportional Relationships Expressions and Equations Geometry Statistics and Probability Grading Policy Homework/Class work ……....25% Tests……………………………….…..25% Projects……………………………….25% Quizzes……………………………….25% Classroom Conduct All students are to: Be Prepared Be on time with book, notebook, pen, pencil, calculator and any other necessary materials. Be in your seat when the bell rings Leave your book bag in your locker. Be Responsible Sit in assigned seat. Remain in seat until dismissed by teacher. Do your own work. Place purses and books on the floor under your desk. Books may be on the desk only when they are in use. Clean the area by your desk prior to leaving the room Be Respectful Give each other personal space Talk only when allowed Hold on to trash until end of class Keep desks clean Course Requirements Attendance is extremely important. Making up written work does not replace the valuable discussions and activities that occur in the classroom. Students are required to keep an organized notebook, dated with each day’s notes/class work. Homework will be collected at the beginning of each class. There will be weekly quizzes, 1 or 2 projects and a Unit Test for each unit. Occasionally, students will be allowed to use their notebooks as a reference during a quiz or test so an up-to-date notebook is important. In January students will take midterm exam, which will count as 5% of their final grade for the year. At the end of the year students will take a final exam, which will count as 15% of their final grade in the course.