An Era of Conformity Despite fears that the Soviets would overcome us at any moment, it was a time of prosperity, relative peace, and conformity…you had to “go along to get along…”
The Election of 1952 Dwight D. Eisenhower WWII hero (in charge of D-Day invasion) presented the perfect image of what we wanted in a national leader: Seen as a wise, father-like figure who reassured us that all would be OK.
A Consumer Decade Pent-up demand for consumer goods (people did without during the War years) New age of advertising…Madison Avenue (advertising agencies) persuaded us to buy! TV’s…cars…refrigerators…dishwashers… lawnmowers…and…and…and… and…
Advertiser’s new “weapon”: TV # of TVs exploded in the 1950s…By end of the decade most families owned 1 or more Newest and most effective way to reach people with a message Mass medium that informed and entertained (still does, of course) 1950s TV commercials Doctors Recommend Camels!
Families loved to gather around their new TV set to watch: News and world events Westerns (Gunsmoke ran for over 20 yrs) Sitcoms and variety shows SOME of the popular shows…
1950s Sitcoms portrayed the ideal American family: The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet Father Knows Best
YouTube - The Honeymooners: Brother Ralph
And everyone’s favorite redhead… Lucille Ball… “Lucy” Lucy candy 3 – YouTube
A New Kind of Music Blending rhythm and blues, jazz, and gospel songs, a new sound emerged: rock ‘n roll
The term was coined by Alan Freed, a Cleveland DJ The music appealed to a new class in American society: teenagers with money to spend and a need to identify with something different from their parents
A FEW of Rock ‘n Roll’s early stars: Bill Haley and the Comets Jerry Lee Lewis Fats Domino Little Richard
The Everly Bothers’ harmonies heavily influenced the Beatles amongst others
Buddy Holly Plays the Apollo Theater (Harlem, NY)
Lou Diamond Phillips as Ritchie Valens
2 of the more colorful characters: Chuck Berry
And of course… Elvis
Of course, amidst this tranquil and innocent era, there was the ever-present threat of nuclear holocaust. We were reminded at school and at the movies… (The following is a link to a compilation of gov’t. films shown to school children): Download movies free video downloads movie classic movie free videos tv shows cartoons commercials music video media mpeg movies - Duck and Cover - Random's Re-Mix