The Birth of Rock’n’Roll
Big Mama Thornton
WW 2 Ends The Baby Boomer Phenomena
BIRTH Rate chart. The baby boomers will shape much of our history, especially our musical one
The Baby Boomers More children born than ever before or since on the planet -the generation of the jazz era are now the parents of the baby boomers The baby boomers will shape much of our history, especially our musical one A baby born 1946 would be how old in 1957?
-as blues music gets more exposure it is adopted by many southern white musicians who begin to play and perform in styles long used by blues musicians
Like this kid, born in Tupelo Mississippi, 1935 Born poor, he lived in black neighborhoods Was getting tossed our of jukejoints when he was your age.
Learned to play guitar and sing and dance in styles he saw in the jukejoints Was a hit in high school and then began to play county fairs around Memphis Tennessee
Discovered playing on a Memphis street by Sam Phillips Records him on the “Sun” record label Eventually picked up by RCA Becomes a superstar
Elvis Presley Elvis Presley
Elvis Histeria Elvis Presley becomes the first “poster boy” for the baby boomer generation The girls just love him He had help becoming so famous
The television Televisions hit the market in the 1950s
The Ed Sullivan Show He had the biggest show on tv It was on CBS on Sunday nights and was a variety show He got Elvis Presley on Sept 9, 1956
Became the most watched show in American history at that time
But… There was a problem… Elvis’ dancing caused outrage His hip movement was indecent, disgusting, lewd, provocative What should Sullivan do? Most watched show ever, most complaints ever?
Have him back October 28th 1956 He breaks all the records he set the first time. Let’s see how they filmed him.
So begins the Censorship Debate “Rock’n’Roll” a term invented by Alan Freed, who was re-labelling R&B or “Race Music” Rock’n’Roll is however a New Orleans euphemism… For sex!
But the real problem is… Race Rock’n’Roll had existed for years, just not in white culture. The kids of the Jazz era, as parents now, repeat the mistakes of their own parents when jazz was the issue in the 1920s Record companies, just like Ed Sullivan, know it sells, and do their best to package it in white
Bill Haley and the Comets Buddy Holly And many more, too lame to mention
Some black musicians crossed over Remember these two Chuck Berry and Bo Didley from Chess Records in Chicago Remember these two Chuck Berry and Bo Diddley from Chess Records in Chicago
Little Richard
Then guess what they found out? The Robert Johnson Myth Rock’n’Roll now gains the term “The Devil’s Music”
JerrY Lee Lewis