Getting the practice trainee ready
Areas to consider Brainstorm @NHS_HealthEdEng
Premises Room and contents Doctor’s Bag Library/ Internet access Recording equipment @NHS_HealthEdEng
Trainer visit criterion - 1 Adequate consulting room near the trainer Meets criteria for number of rooms (max 3) Library which is accessible Adequate range of up to date books Trainee will always have access to a room with internet Trainee has secure place to store personal belongings Adequate teaching room Video recording facilities Panic buttons @NHS_HealthEdEng
Trainer visit criterion Trainee room can be easily unlocked from outside Trainer will be able to give 2 sessions per week for training Are staying within their current practice or will have been in a new practice for at least 6/12 Trainer is adequately organised Trainer aware of standards IT literate and uses email Internet and EBM skills Awareness of nMRCGP and curriculum @NHS_HealthEdEng
Peer Appraisal - 1 Trainer will be able to give adequate supervision and has identified how this will be done when absent Other team members supportive Practice has agreed trainee attendance at all meetings including partnership Regular management meetings and ones to discuss patients Are involved in educational activities within and without the practice Learning from other health care professionals available Adequate clinical experience available @NHS_HealthEdEng
Peer Appraisal - 2 Evidence that can do SEA and is happening regularly Protocols in place or other method to learn pathways Formulary (how they consistently prescribe for common conditions) QOF points not below English average Will be able to accommodate a flexible trainee Will inform patients of intention to be a training practice and allow responses to this Appointments are at least 10 mins duration @NHS_HealthEdEng
Peer Appraisal - 3 System for flagging up potentially violent patients and children at risk All clinicians using computerised records for consultations and >90% notes summarised (NB check that the format summary page appears to meet the standard) The practice has adequate resources to manage all of its learners Satisfactory patient survey @NHS_HealthEdEng
Colleagues and Staff Partners/ Salaried colleagues Nurses Practice Manager Other learners - GP trainees, F2s, medical students Practice meetings Supervision of the trainee @NHS_HealthEdEng
Paperwork Welcome Pack Contracts Induction Communication Documentation/ Trainer records Reviews @NHS_HealthEdEng