Visual Aids
Cornell Note Set-up Date: February 15 Topic: Visual Aids Essential Question: How can I use visual aids to effectively convey important information about my topic?
Performance Indicator 10 Exceptional explanation and presentation of visual aids; audience focused Visuals provide powerful insight into speech topic Visual aids of high professional quality; visible and clear Visual aids meaningful and relevant Memorable
When using visual aids… Ask yourself: “Do I need a visual aid?” Keep it clear and simple Point it out/Explain thoroughly Don’t pass objects Reveal and Conceal Practice!!! Have a backup plan ( and know your technology) Legal considerations Don’t neglect spoken parts of the speech. That’s what the lion’s share of your grade is based upon!
Types of Visual Aids Personal appearance Objects and Props Appropriate to topic Appropriate to audience and venue Objects and Props For illustration Size considerations Demonstration Visual access
Types of Visual Aids Posters Audio and Video Handouts Slideware (PowerPoint, Apple iWorks Keynote, Google Drive Presentation, Zoho Show, etc.) Pecha Kucha Prezi
Slideware Design Principles Design with audience in mind Maintain focus on message Provide appropriate amount of information Include only one concept or idea on each slide 3 second rule Reduce noise
Slide Layout Keep it simple White space draws attention to your images/words Contrast colors Don’t read off your slide
Backgrounds and Effects Choose a simple design Choose an appropriate design Be consistent Keep transitions simple Don’t use this Or this Because it’s annoying and distracting
Colors and Fonts Stick with black or white text Do not use colors that clash Use easy-to-read fonts Be consistent. No more than 2 different fonts Consider transferability
Images and Text Simple images are better Choose images that enhance your spoken word Beware of pixilation No watermarks Cite all sources—even for images! Proofread for spelling errors!!!
Charts and Graphs Save the complex charts for handouts Stick to simple, easy to read charts and graphs
Charts and Graphs
Charts and Graphs
Charts and Graphs
Introductions Performance Indicator 2 Hook Strategies: Grab the audience’s attention Establish Credibility Orient Audience to Topic Thesis Preview Preview of main points Hook Strategies: Tell a story, refer to occasion, refer to recent or historical events, refer to previous speeches, use startling statistics, an analogy, a quotation, a rhetorical question (or series of), humor.
Conclusions Brings your speech full circle Summarize main ideas Present final appeals/call to action Do not include any new information Reestablish your topic’s connection to a larger context Provide psychological closure End your speech with a clincher Recency Effect (vs. Primacy Effect)
Performance Indicator 5 Develops a conclusion that reinforces the thesis and provides psychological closure Provide a clear and memorable summary of main points Refer back to the thesis/big picture End with a “clincher”