How can Data Management Plans be used to attain the goals of sharable and discoverable data for all CMMI programs? How should we evaluate the DMP? What level of emphasis should be place on the DMP – specific criteria for evaluation versus simply compliance (2 page extra)? Should we use criteria similar to those used for intellectual merit and broader impacts to evaluate the DMP? What criteria should be used? Should proposers be required to provide information on the datasets developed (last 3, 5, ? Years)? Should data sharing be part of “Broader Impacts” and hence part of the criteria of for proposal evaluation by default? Should NSF encourage proposals specify funding (beyond incremental) for making data public? i.e., funding dedicated to making data public and justified as an expenditure Should NSF provide supplemental funding for making data public? Post grant awards like REU funding (5-10K) or supplemental funds as part of the grant request from a pool within CMMI or ENG (10-30K)
How can Data Management Plans be used to attain the goals of sharable and discoverable data for all CMMI programs? More specific requirements Domain experts are writing and evaluarting data management plans How are DMPs enforced? Require universities to store and distribute data DMP is the problem - yes/no Very little data from some existing requirements Machine actionable DMPs – living document that gets filled in Digital Curation Center
How can Data Management Plans be used to attain the goals of sharable and discoverable data for all CMMI programs? DMP tool Calif Digital library Use SEED or GLOBUS? Libraries Proposal mostly about Intellectual Merit Will you release your data – if not why Will you contribute to a repository – Which one? Address sustainability What will you do to make your data reusable? Checklist vs. criteria? Researchers say they will send data to repository, but may not be the right one
How can Data Management Plans be used to attain the goals of sharable and discoverable data for all CMMI programs? NO extra rules Can have guidance Have a system that helps develop a DMP DMP helps people think about curating data ahead of time DMP progress in annual report – Program mangers monitor List registries of repositories Provide guidance of what to address – best practices, flexibity Minimum – Is it sufficient. Can go beyond that as part of Broader Impacts Good vs. bad DMP
How can Data Management Plans be used to attain the goals of sharable and discoverable data for all CMMI programs? Cal and Mich have templates for DMPs Deep Blue data at Umich Data library support More emphasis on DMP in NSF peer review More than a checklist DMP tool and customize it for your University Want reviewers looking for – beyond storing the data – Discoverable! Some DMP templates don’t address sharing
How can Data Management Plans be used to attain the goals of sharable and discoverable data for all CMMI programs? Previous work should discuss dissemination of data Research Council of UK requires what you are currently doing w data – Ongoing monitoring Annual report does not control funding Monitoring vs. IF not, then… Data sharing in biosketch Standardized could be good, if done well Caught by Program Managers or by Reviewers? Guidance to reviewers to consider DMP
How can Data Management Plans be used to attain the goals of sharable and discoverable data for all CMMI programs?