E-mail Technical Coordinators Meeting Chris Bongaarts Steve Siirila October 12, 2005
Spam Reporting Added new spam reporting method, primarily for hotmail.com servers 36,375 spam reports from users last month 100,160 spam reports from SpamAssassin runs last month
Inbox Auto-Filing Started sending warning letters 9/18 Auto-filed mail is put into a folder named “AutoFiled” within the user’s “mail” folder in their home directory Of 14,000 eligible mailboxes: 5,249 warning letters have been sent 2,610 have been auto-filed Auto-filing 600 users/day
Phase-out of clear-text passwords 5,800 users remain insecure: 388 forced to secure servers 2,850 warned they will be forced secure in one week Moving users at a rate of 200 per day to secure E-mail servers New definition of “secured” No insecure accesses for 60 days 1,200 users newly considered “secured”
Outgoing SMTP Issues Will be restricting smtp.umn.edu services to central e-mail users only OIT Security will be scanning servers authorized for relay.tc.umn.edu Timeline for smtp-gw.tc.umn.edu service phase-out approx. 1Q2006
Aphelion Directory 2 LDAP directory engine (LDE) servers now actively kept up-to-date Awaiting updates for finer access control Application conversion in progress (to use LDAP instead of ComDUA/DISH) Application testing continues
Bits ‘n’ Bytes E-mail reporting on block lists coming in next couple weeks PKI pilot wrapped up, final report in progress Redundant Kerberos server builds and AD testing underway
Premium Interactive E-mail Accounts Interactive (shell) access (e.g. pine, elm, bash, tcsh, msh, screen, irc, etc.) Extended filesystem quotas Web CGI Home for 3,000 accounts
Discussion topic: Port 25 Blocking Should we? From where? Everywhere? Dynamic/dialup only? Wireless only? To where? Non-UMN only? Whitelist of OK MTAs? Who would complain? Visiting faculty sending via home institution (should use 587)
‘Till next month… Chris Bongaarts cab@umn.edu 612-625-1809 Steve Siirila sfs@umn.edu 612-626-0244