Black-Scholes Model for European vanilla options
Black-Scholes formulas for European vanilla options
Pricing American vanilla options
Pricing exotic options under Black-Scholes framework Multi-asset options Barrier options Asian options Lookback options Forward start option, shout option, compound options
Beyond the Black-Scholes World
Implied volatility The value for volatility that makes the theoretical option value and the market price the same
Volatility smile
Improved models Local volatility model Stochastic volatility model Jump diffusion model Others: discrete hedging, transaction cost
Local volatility model
No closed form solution How to identify ?
How to use the local volatility model Calibration of the model: Identify the volatility function from the market prices of vanilla options Price non-traded contracts by using the model
Stochastic Volatility Model
Option Pricing
Option pricing with non-traded underlying So far, the underlying is assumed to be a traded asset. The underlying is a consumption asset Oil Short selling is prohibited Pricing of forward contract on oil The underlying is a non-traded asset Volatility, interest rate Both long and short positions are prohibited No arbitrage pricing
Continued (stochastic volatility model)
The Market Price of Risk
Risk Neutral Processes
Two Named Models Hull White Heston
Example 1: Hull-White model
Example 2: Heston Model
Jump Diffusion Model Poisson process
Jump-diffusion Process
Ito Lemma
Two special models Merton (1976) Wilmott et al. (1998) to hedge the diffusion only Wilmott et al. (1998) to hedge both jump and diffusion as much as we can
Merton’s Model (1976) Jump risks are diversified
Wilmott et al.’s Model Hedging strategy
Continued Under this best strategy, we let
Purpose Understand the market better Price options at the OCT market
Beyond the Black-Scholes World Local volatility model Stochastic volatility model Jump diffusion model
Parameters , J Local volatility model: =(S,t) Stochastic volatility model: Hull-White model (3 parameters) Heston model (2 parameters) Jump diffusion model , J
Option Pricing at the OTC Market Model calibration Extend the model to exotic options Solution