Improvements following Inspection-Capacity to Improve Introduction- Diane Koppit Offender Learning Contract Manager Milton Keynes College
Evaluating Capacity to Improve In all remits there will be a reported judgement on the provider’s capacity to make further improvement The capacity to improve judgement should be linked to the overall effectiveness judgement but may not always be the same grade The capacity to improve will be a limiting judgement
Definition The capacity to make further improvement is a judgement about the ability of a provider to continue to improve standards and make progress.
Operating Principles The judgement on a provider’s capacity to improve is based on: evidence and a track record of sustained improvement a clear vision that will sustain improvement and raise aspirations for all users effective self-evaluation processes which lead to demonstrable impact well-considered planning to include effective and ambitious use of targets the ability to achieve and demonstrate positive outcomes for users
Operating Practice Inspectors should seek evidence of the impact of improvements implemented by the provider as shown in its track record and performance since the last visit by inspectors.
Making Judgements The basis for making a judgement on capacity to improve will be through evaluating: the trend in improvement and whether this is consistent and improvements are sustained the accuracy and rigour of self-evaluation and how this secures continuous improvement the effectiveness of the provider’s systems for managing performance and tackling weakness.
Making Judgements the rigour of the analysis of data on performance and how effectively this is used to improve performance the quality of leadership including managers and their track record in securing improvements the extent to which governors or the appropriate body, ask challenging questions of senior managers to raise standards
Making Judgements the record in setting and meeting appropriate targets the sufficiency, adequacy and use of staff and resources to achieve improvement
Case Study One Establishment- 3 failed inspections As a new provider we started by undertaking a review of the provision Curriculum review Staffing review An honest self Assessment report was written and a detailed action plan was established BUT, this needed buy in from all stakeholders Which in Year one proved difficult Resulting in another failed inspection
What Next The action plan needed to be shared with all stakeholders and buy in sought for the implementation of changes- A change to Senior Managers at HMPS Strategic input from all levels and organisations supported the changes required A relationship built on trust and respect is needed at all levels Clear Roles and responsibilities for monitor and driving improvements needed to be identified Action and skills of individuals needed to be matched to ensure improvements were being made Identify support available-QIA, Peers Staff training needed to be identified and time allowed to support staff to understand the actions required Continuous monitoring of actions planned are required.
How did we do it? We invited the education staff to a training event, to help them understand where they sat in relation to making improvements This same training was then used with prison and education staff to spread the word We had regular strategic meetings with the Deputy Governor, Head of Offender learning etc.. We looked at our performance regarding retention, achievement and success data and worked on a model that allowed us to monitor small chunks of achievement We organised cluster group meetings to enable us to use experienced and skilled staff from other prisons to support the movement forward As well as using the quality managers from MKC to deliver training to staff on specific subjects We developed marketing materials that promoted the education programme across wider areas of the prison, this resulted in us working more closely with the wider regime therefore forging better relationships
Resulting in An improved relationship with all stakeholders Everyone buying in to the improvements A staff who felt valued and in control A clear direction that everyone understood A much improved inspection result with a capacity to improve recognised as a grade 2
What stage are you at now? Identify the stage that your provision is at within the quality cycle Start to plan your next phase Who needs to be involved in making things happen Break actions down into bite size chunks that can be measured
Action Plan Could Do Should Do Must Do
Don’t Delay Don’t underestimate how long it takes to implement changes Go back today with a plan of what you are going to do next One Must do action…………….. One Should do action…………….. One Could do action……………… Good Luck!