If I wasn’t here today, I’d rather be… “What would be the best part?” Get a few responses on the board and link to the needs ask a partner “What would be the best part”
How you respond to this behaviour will dictate what happens next. In this session we will be looking more at the Basic Needs and how they are going to be met one way or the other. How you respond to this behaviour will dictate what happens next. Your task will be to review student behaviours, relate them to the motivating needs and discuss how your response will enhance or damage the relationship Pair up with someone wearing a similar colour.
Discuss with your partner the most challenging experience you have had with student behaviour. All behaviour, (both yours and the students), is purposeful and aimed at getting what you want to meet one or more of your needs.
Behaviour choices are the best attempt to get what you want to meet one or more of your needs Behaviours are chosen to minimise pain and maximise control: over self, over others or over the situation)
Up and clean Down and dirty Belonging Power Freedom Fun Survival Needs will be met one way or the other either in appropriate positive generative ways or in inappropriate and destructive ways. What behaviours do students use to meet the need for belonging in up and clean ways list, then down and dirty ways Brierly
Sentence Starters
Group formation Find the people by making the jigsaw – 6 pieces Discuss how this characteristic or element is important in making and maintaining friendships statements
Developing Quality Relationships Think of someone who has had an impact upon your life; someone you would go to for advice, you would listen to that advice and consider it carefully. How did you get to that level of trust? What were the steps you went through? What behaviours did you both choose?
Did this person use these behaviours Criticising Blaming Complaining Nagging Threatening Punishing Rewarding to control
Or these? Listening Trusting Encouraging Negotiating differences Respecting Accepting Supporting
Connecting Habits Glasser Listening Trusting Encouraging Negotiating differences Respecting Accepting Supporting
ANTLERS that Build the Bridges Accepting Negotiating disagreements Trusting Listening Encouraging Respecting Supporting Glasser 2000
Did you consciously or unconsciously ask your self “Is what I am about to do going to bring us closer together or push us further apart?” Glasser 2000
Two-way communication Based on Trust Physical Proximity Two-way communication Mutual Understanding Influence
Developing Quality Relationships Trust - influence. Without influence - control Very important at the beginning of the year but is also ongoing throughout the year
The Breakfast Club
How you respond to the behaviours will determine what happens next. Dealing with difficult behaviour is a choice How we respond will improve or destroy the relationship
Jigsaw Process Divide into groups of six Each member of the group chooses one of the areas and moves to an ‘expert’ group. Everyone records the answers- be very specific Move to rainbow groups and share all information. Everyone records the practical strategies Physical Proximity Student to teacher Student to student Positive Communication Positive Communication Student to student Mutual Understanding Use NSI cards
“Students who give you a hard time or don’t attend, have already chosen to separate from you. That’s why they are disrupting. If you cannot connect with them, they’ll give you a hard time all year, resisting your directions which is their way to control you. A favourite trick of resistant students is to keep disrupting your teaching until you threaten and punish. When you do, they have gotten control of you and can blame everything they’re doing on you” Glasser 2000 (p 25)
Promoting Responsibility Almost no one will learn from others who are not in his or her QUALITY WORLD1 1 Choice Theory
Two-way communication Based on Trust Physical Proximity Two-way communication Mutual Understanding Influence
Using the cards provided take turns in reading the two sides Make up some of your own. Power over power with cards
Dealing with difficult behaviours The downward spiral Better alternatives Gaining the need for POWER Gaining the need for BELONGING Gaining the need for FUN Gaining the need for FREEDOM
ACTION PLANNING SPECIFICS: Module Three: Building a Cohesive and Productive Classroom What I have selected to try is ……………………………………………… Workbook page 14
Meet with your buddy teacher Share your action plans Make a time to meet in the next week to share successes Use the sentence starters to promote discussion of the learning from this session.
What squared with something you already knew? Geometric Close What squared with something you already knew? What did you see from a new angle? What did you learn that was new, that completed a circle of knowledge? Squared with they already know Viewed it from a different angle something that completed or closed the circle for them An action or a new approach What new direction will you know take?