AN UPDATE FROM THE OFFICE OF THE MEDICAL DIRECTOR Katharine D. Kovacs, PA-C Assistant Medical Director, NCMB
OMD Consists of a fulltime Chief Medical Officer, a full time Associate Medical Director and a fulltime PA/Assistant Medical Director. Review of duties.
Continuing Medical Education
CME Rule 2015 state budget provision requires NCMB and other boards to establish CME requirement for licensees who prescribe controlled substances CME must cover controlled substances prescribing, pain management and avoiding abuse/diversion Proposed rule requires physicians to complete three hours per three year CME cycle (2 hours every 2 years for PAs) beginning in July 2017
CME Rule Audits- under special circumstances: During an investigation, licensure, or for an Investigational Interview. Licensees still need to maintain CME documentation for six years for audits or other inquiries.
Position Statements-2016 Provide licensees guidance. Available on the website, under resources. Reviewed periodically to evaluate relevance. Highlighted in the Forum and on the web when changes are significant.
Updated Position Statements Physician-Patient Relationship Policy for the use of Opioids for the Treatment of Pain Medical Testimony In November: Use of photography in exam rooms; End of life and palliative care
2016 Updates Physician-patient relationship If employment is terminated, employer or physician should notify patients, provide new contact information and permit patient choice.
More Updates Policy for the use of Opioids for the Treatment of Pain Provides a link to the CDC guidelines Prescribe responsibly and within the standards of acceptable and prevailing medical practice.
Updates Medical Testimony Includes the most recent version of the AMA Ethics opinion.
Change in staff privileges Required by state law to report to the Board when an institution acts to limit, suspend or revoke a licensee’s clinical privileges FOR CAUSE. (90-14.3) Within 30 days. Summary actions. Final actions. Resignation/voluntary reduction in privileges.
Three Strikes- No more
Delinquent Medical Records Hospital reports for suspensions due to delinquent medical records are no longer required. These reports did not provide meaningful information, and the issue is best handled at the local level within hospitals.
What NOT to report to the Board No need to report: A resignation from practice due solely to completion of residency or fellowship.
Other Topics Re-entry will require formal clinical skills assessment Physicians returning to practice with restrictions or a public record…Call for assistance! Safe Opioid Prescribing Initiative per Legislative Rules
Safe Opioid Prescribing The Safe Opioid Prescribing Initiative will investigate: Top one percent prescribing 100 milligrams of morphine equivalents (MME) per patient per day. Top one percent prescribing 100 MMEs per patient per day in combination with any benzodiazepine and within the top one percent of all controlled substance prescribers by volume. CS Prescribers with two or more patient deaths within a 12 –month period due to opioid poisoning.
Questions? 919-326-1109, ext. 269