The Dementia HIT Our aim is to achieve the best quality of life for people and families affected by dementia #BHPhitconf
An estimated 21 million people in our country know a close friend or family member with dementia – that is 42% of the population. Dementia has an impact on; People living with dementia (PLWD) Families of PLWD Carer of PLWD Friends of PLWD Society Health services Social care Economy #BHPhitconf
Dementia services are provided by a number of organisations Dementia services are provided by a number of organisations. Since the HIT was formed in October 2012 we have tried to connect with as many of these as possible. #BHPhitconf
Research is important. We have a dedicated research workstream. Clinical trials for new drugs. Evaluation of current/new services. Epidemiology. Neurosurgery. Designing assistive equipment. Improving diagnosis through imaging techniques. Improving support following diagnosis. Public health. Laboratory research. Clinical research. Memory assessments. Avoiding hospital admissions. Join Dementia Research (JDR). First HIT publication: Attitudes toward dementia in International Psychogeriatrics. #BHPhitconf
#BHPhitconf It’s not all good…… Change in Director’s with change in roles Education workstream ground to a halt Lack of protected time for Director’s Funding (lack of) Recruiting new staff Lots we want to do but can’t New Government risk reduction initiatives need to be linked in Website – great but updating time consuming #BHPhitconf
#BHPhitconf PPI – multiple mechanisms in place: PPI guidelines PPI request form PPI resource list BEST – team literature review – involving PLWD Dementia friendly communities: Bristol/South Gloucestershire Dementia Action Alliances Voscur – Active together for dementia Growing Support – therapeutic gardening Sporting memories #BHPhitconf
2013 2016 #BHPhitconf