AN OVERVIEW OF NON COMMUNICABLE DISEASES SWAZILAND Presented by: Lindiwe Tsabedze – National NCD Programme Manager, Ministry of Health. Sept 2011.
INTRODUCTION Swaziland is a small country landlocked by Mozambique and South Africa. Population 1.1 people with an annual population growth rate of 2.9% 44% of the population comprise children <15 years The unemployment rate is estimated at 30%. 69% of the population live below the poverty line.
Health Profile Health system has formal and informal sector. IM 85 deaths per 1,000 live deaths Hypercholesterolemia was 5.2% males and 4.2% females. Smoking – 61% Alcohol – 42% Obesity- 27 women & 25% in men
ACHIEVEMENTS The Essential Health Package (EHP) has been developed to provide guidance in the treatment of all ailments at all health care levels. The Task Shifting Document outlines the rational use of scarce human resources in the health sector. Guiding Documents – Policy
Strategic Plan – prevention, case management, rehabilation, health promotion M&E, research Guidelines & Protocols. NCD Task Force Technical Working Groups Community Participation – support groups, income generating initiatives. Linkages between facilities and community NCD Centre of Excellence.
CHALLENGES Advocacy for increased resources. Multi sectoral collaboration. Multidisciplinary approach to programming. Increasing access to NCD health care. Surveillance.