Shared Governance Territorial Act (1889): The faculty, the president, and the regents are jointly responsible for governing the university. NWCCU, Standard 2.A.1: (The institution) decision- making structures and processes make provision for the consideration of the views of faculty, staff, administrators, and students on matters in which they have a direct and reasonable interest.
Almost anyone at the university President Shared Governance Faculty Senate - FSH 1580 University Committees Reporting to Senate FSH 1620 & 1640 University Faculty – FSH 1520 & 1540 Academic Hearing Board Information Technology Committee Academic Petitions Committee Intellectual Property Committee Administrative Hearing Board Library Affairs Committee Admissions Committee Officer Education Committee Americans with Disabilities Act Advisory Committee Parking Committee Sabbatical Leave Evaluation Committee Arts Committee Safety and Loss-Control Committee Borah Foundation Committee Student Appeals Committee Campus Planning Advisory Committee Student Disciplinary Review Board Commencement Committee Student Financial Aid Committee Committee on Committees Teacher Education Coordinating Committee Dismissal Hearings Committee Teaching and Advising Committee Facilities Scheduling Policy Committee Ubuntu Faculty and Staff Policy Group University Budget & Finance Committee Faculty Affairs Committee University Committee for General Education Faculty Appeals Hearing Board University Curriculum Committee General Education Assessment Committee University Multi-Campus Communications Committee Honors Program Committee Structure Process Almost anyone at the university
Timeline Sponsor/Stakeholders/Faculty Secretary/ General Counsel Review Committee Proposal Faculty Senate University Faculty Meeting The last Faculty Senate meeting at which policies can be approved for inclusion on the UFM Agenda is 2 weeks prior to the UFM. Allow a minimum of 2 weeks for FS & GC review – longer if they have not been previously consulted on the policy!
2017-2018 Policy Dates & Deadlines FS – every Tuesday 3:30-5:00 beginning 8/29 November 2 – last possible date to submit a policy to the Faculty Secretary’s Office for possible inclusion on the Fall UFM Agenda. Note, more than two weeks for review may be required and the policy may be returned to the committee for further consideration. Also, be aware controversial policies have taken 2+ Senate meetings to discuss. November 14 – Last Faculty Senate meeting to approve policies for possible inclusion on the Fall UFM Agenda November 29 – Fall UFM meeting – 3:00-4:30 March 27 -- last possible date to submit a policy to the Faculty Secretary Office for possible inclusion on the Spring UFM Agenda. Note, more that two weeks for review may be required and the policy may be returned to the committee for further consideration or forwarded to others for review. April 10 -- Last Faculty Senate meeting to approve policies for possible inclusion on the Spring UFM Agenda April 25 – Spring UFM meeting – 3:00-4:30