Sheltered Instruction: What, Why, and How John Kerr: Chief Bilingual Officer Megan Anderson Reilly: ELL PD Specialist
Today’s Objectives Develop a unit plan that identifies both content and language demands Construct lesson plans addressing both language and content Identify effective strategies to support language and content by participating and researching. Determine the role of paras and native language support by participating in a discussion with my colleagues.
Overall Objectives: Gain a deeper understanding of second language acquisition Use the English Language Proficiency Standards in planning, instruction, and assessment Identify and implement strategies to support and assess language acquisition Determine best practices for language and content development
Yakima School District 16,782 students 5,376 ELL (32%) 691 ELLs at Davis and Ike (17%) YSD= Sheltered Instruction District Every class is supporting academic content and English language development
Focus for YSD Sheltered Instruction Language Objectives and English Language Proficiency Standards Structured Interactions Language Assessment
Review What is one thing that you have been doing to support your ELLs? What is one area that you would like more support?
Reflection How is my practice going to be different moving forward from this training?
Para-educator and Teacher Collaboration
Yakima School District ELL -32% YSD= Sheltered Instruction District Every class is supporting academic content and English language development
Use of Native Language Strategic use of native language is a critical support for our ELLs. Native Language English Language Development
Use of Native Language ELLs need opportunities to: Develop their English language (n+1) What stage of language acquisition are they at? How can I help them get to the next stage?
Use of Native Language ELLs need opportunities to: Struggle with the language (negotiate for meaning) Am I giving students opportunities to express themselves in English? Am I allowing them to communicate with their peers without translating? Am I helping them become independent?
10/2 How does this information about native language use resonate with your prior understanding?
Determine your role Collaboration between teacher and para-educator to discuss expectations (when, how and who)
Break up groups to read a section and identify, Collaboration Break up groups to read a section and identify, Successes this model will provide Necessary items needed to implement Have pre-created chart to record responses
10/2 Which model of collaboration and co-teaching do you use most often? Why? Is there another model that could work for your situation? Why?
Strategy Blitz
Strategies Content Standards Assessment Objectives Language Standards
How do we choose appropriate strategies? Unit Content and Language Objective Daily Content and Language Objectives English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) Student need- Formative Assessment Data- Homeroom**
Reflection Where do your students struggle? How can we support their language and content development?
Partner Work With a same content partner, identify 3-5 strategies that would work for your content. Be ready to share: The strategy The purpose behind the strategy How you will use it in your class
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